View Full Version : Scared I have multiple cancers

23-09-14, 09:40
I havent posted an introduction yet, so i hope its fine if i post it here. It will be short for now.

Im a 25 year old female, turning 26 in November. Ive had anxiety all my life. I was put on antidepressants for 4 years for fatigue and anxiety. It infact never worked and i always pleaded with the doctors to take me off, because it make me feel worse. Eventually,, 4 years later i got off these poisonous drugs. I immediately went into severe, protracted antidepressant withdrawal that has lasted to this day. I have a list of over 60 symptoms that i deal with daily. Ive been to many internists, various specialists etc they cant find anything seriously wrong, they dont believe that its from the antidepressants, but obviously it is as i was fine before stopping.

Anyways. Im really really very scared i have cancer of the ovaries, melanoma, breast cancer, stomach cancer, cervical cancer and liver cancer. Heck i think i might be one of the worst cases of health anxiety this board has ever seen. I also believe i have various other dieases and illnesses and quite frankly this has been gonig on for 25 months. I am fed up and i feel hopeless. I also fear for my mother. I am so scared she has cancer too.

I need help. Seriously.

Let me talk about the melanoma first becasue this is what prompted me to post here. I have various moles on my body. I am fair skinned, red hair and cant go in the sun much. I have this one mole on my neck. Its red, quite flat, and its been itchy for a while. I am freaking out badly. Google is my worst enemy. I am seriously a Google Pro as i seem to find all the rare articles about cancer horror stories that hasnt been viewed alot. Thats me. 24/7 Google freak. I search anything and everything about drugs, diseases, any illnesses. This in itself is a disease. Seriously. I wish i could just step away from Google.

Anyways, this mole is freaking me out. I am scared its melanoma.

I also think i have breast cancer. I have a large, hard very painful lump in my right breast, its been here for almost 2 years now. Ive been to various doctors. I recently went to a surgeon. They dont want to remove it and only did an FNA. It came back as a fibroadenoma but i am really really scared its cancer and they missed it.

I dont have the energy to type all the other fears i have. Its alot and would take me the whole day.

If its not cancer, its something else. It never stops. I am living in severe fear that i am going to get cancer and die early. Please i need help i cant live like this anymore.

23-09-14, 09:51
Hi and welcome to NMP....first of all let me reassure you that you are not alone and I doubt very much that you are the worst case of health anxiety that this board has ever seen. There are many others including myself that would give you a run for your money on that one! lol!!

I don't have all the answers for you right now but as an introduction I would say that if a number of Doctor and a Surgeon have confirmed that your breast lump is harmless then you need to believe them...the chances of their combined experinence misdiagnosing it is miniscule. Also if you are concerned about a mole then go and get it checked. I've had a number that I've been concerned about and all apart from one the Doctor said it was fine. The one I did have removed also came back as benign so it just goes to show that even though it may warrent further investigation it doesn't mean it anything sinisiter.

The big thing is to learn not to Google everything (easier said than done...I know!!). Google is not your friend and is certainly not a medical expert!!

Have a good look around the forum, there are many people and posts that may help you through this tough time.

23-09-14, 15:16
Hello! I just wanted to say I feel your worry. I also worried about having ovarian cancer myself at one point which in turn made me also think that it had spread and I also had colon/anal cancer. I recently convinced myself I have breast cancer since I felt a little lump but was told it was normal breast tissue. I also believe I have PCOS which I have never been tested but would be surprised if I didn't. Well I was reading more about that recently when I learned that it increased your risk of endometrial cancer. Well after reading that, I suddenly had cramps and was convinced I had that too. Now I have moved onto melanoma. I have a dermatologist appt at the end of the month. I have a mole on my leg that looks like it has smudge or that the coloring is now going into the skin. Immediately assume its cancer and has spread completely through me. I know this is a horrible feeling and cannot shake it. I also think constantly seeing all of these cancer stories on the news and facebook make things worse. I had to unfollow some pages on facebook because they were making my anxiety worse.

I don't know what I can say to help you but do know I think it is very uncommon to have that many cancers at one time and you are young which is definitely a positive. I don't know fully your symptoms and such but I know for me the more I think, the more I feel them even if they aren't really there. The best thing to do is just go to a doctor and get checked out. Don't like the answer try another one. I always read reviews and chose my doctors rather than letting my primary just refer me. I am too controlling and need to know who I am seeing. If you ever need sometime to talk to I'd be glad to help. Sounds like we have the same concerns/fears and I am close in age.

23-09-14, 15:20
That's 6 cancers at one time so ya know ;) Statistically even one is rare at 26 but 6?...

Aside of Dr Google, have the feeling you're Ok on this one :)

Positive thoughts

23-09-14, 21:17
You sound exavtly like me. Im 21 and going through the exact same thing. I cant believe im not alone on this. It makes me feel crazy amd everyone else thinks im crazy. I understand feeling so tired of worrying that becomes your life. Hang in there friend were in this together!