View Full Version : are these symptoms serious

23-09-14, 11:25
Hi I haven't been on here for ages as I am really trying to get my ha in control but I have been going through a stressful time at the minute with some family issues and today I have got some symptoms and I am not sure if they are anything to worry about or its just stress its hard to explain cause there is nothing that really stands our I feel like my chest is a bit uncomfortable more under breast area have been burping alot also got some aches in arm and neck on left side putting 2 and 2 together and connecting to heart I also feel anxious and feel a bit sick and now and again a slight headache I do feel very tense and my muscles feel all knotted up, any advice would be grateful thanks toria x

23-09-14, 11:36
The anxiety will be causing the tense and knotted feeling and can cause all sorts of aches and pain and often mimics heart attacks I've been to the hospital twice in my time thinking I was experiencing a heart attAck or some kind of heart issue. The burping a lot is to do with hyperventilating. You may not realise your doing it but you will be it will because your taking too much oxygen in than you need due to fast breathing x hope this breaks the symptoms down for you so you understand what can be causing them x

23-09-14, 11:47
Hi thanks so much that all makes sense, its so easy to just atomically think the worse with symptoms and come up with the worst thing but it all makes sense what you said thanks.toria x

23-09-14, 11:56
It could be indigestion/acid reflux or simple wind

23-09-14, 13:12
Thanks nicola, I think its probably a big part of it thanks x