View Full Version : Now I'm convinced I have brain aneurysm

23-09-14, 18:26
Typing here so I don't go to dr google and to see if anybody has had similar. I have moved past my blood clot in leg obsession but as of the weekend moved on to brain anyeurism. All started on the weekend when I had a hangover and got a sudden sharp pain in the back of my head kind of in the base of my head near the ear area. Then my filling in my wisdom tooth fell out so put it down to that. Tooth was fixed yesterday but still getting the random pains that seem to come and go but make me feel a but sick. My face on the same side felt a bit numb too but all seems to have settled now. My neck on the same side hurts and I do find that if I'm bending my neck to play on my phone it can bring the pain on and if I move it goes again. I have suffered from migraines but I can't remember now if this feels the same, I'm too fixated on the "horror" story and convince my head is going to explode.
I know nobody can diagnose me but sometimes nice to speak to others who don't think I'm insane for having these thoughts.
I just want them to stop and to feel better :(

23-09-14, 20:06
If you had a brain aneurism you'd be so ill someone would have had to call you an ambulance (you'd struggle to do this yourself), and you would be rushed to hospital where you'd be staying for a good while. You most certainly wouldn't be on a forum typing about it.

23-09-14, 20:11
If you had a brain aneurism you'd be so ill someone would have had to call you an ambulance (you'd struggle to do this yourself), and you would be rushed to hospital where you'd be staying for a good while. You most certainly wouldn't be on a forum typing about it.

^^^^ Absolutely! ^^^^

Positive thoughts

23-09-14, 23:16
Yep, my friend had a brain aneurysm and died almost instantly (which is what kicked off my health anxiety) I get these horrible sharp random pains in my head quite frequently called ice pick headaches I think. Totally harmless but quite painfully and annoying

24-09-14, 00:23
Yes, I had Ice-pick headaches when my Anxiety was full on and sharp little stabbing pains the I used to call my electric shocks. Once I stopped freaking out about them, they gradually got less and less and stopped completely, but if I get very stressed or very tired; they come back again.

24-09-14, 00:31
Great to know I'm not the only one! I too feel these at random!

24-09-14, 08:00
Sorry to hear that Katie and thanks for all of ur replies. My rational side says chill out but I loony side says Freak out :) but always nice to hear that toned people understand. All responses much appreciated :)

24-09-14, 18:52
If you had a brain aneurism wouldn't you be dead ? I know someone that had one while driving and died instantly