View Full Version : Please reassure me.

23-09-14, 20:57
Okay! So, Where to start. My mother has a rare genetic Mutation called Huntingtons, and I found out about this about.. three weeks ago. Now, After finding this out, I've been terrified out of my mind, Doctors told me that It's only something I gotta check for when I'm a lot older, like fourties kinda old. (I'm 18 now.) Now, I'm hoping it's just anxiety here, because I've been feeling tired, depressed, scared, I've been screwing up my words, mixing them up with other words. I haven't really been slurring but it feels like I am. I am barely getting any sleep and I'm just being... so over aware recently, Like I've been having these symptoms for years and i've only just picked them up. It's supposed to be rare to develop it at a young age but, what If I have already? I cant stop thinking about it and it's killing me.

23-09-14, 23:17
Yes you could carry the gene but there's no guarantee that you do just because sadly your mum does, it is incredibly rare for a mother to pass on early onset Huntingtons disease as that's usually the father who passes that on so as long as your dad doesn't have it you are more likely to win the lottery big time, please stop worrying about something you really have no control over, but do go to your DR's and ask for councelling.
In the next ten years they will probably find a cure, Aids was a killer when first found now they have drugs to control it and give people a near normal life span, even curing some.

25-09-14, 14:51
I suppose yeah...
It's just a lot to take in at 18 years of age, And now I'm scared of everything happening. I know it's probably just stress and anxiety, but sometimes my spelling/typing is a bit off, Instead of meet i'll type "Meat" For some reason. I'm not like... dying of something else am I? Am I just fooling myself?