View Full Version : I know heart disease isn't contagious, but I can't stop

23-09-14, 21:17
I have this weird anxiety attack sometimes.
When I'm around someone who I know has a history of heart conditions, if I have say food around them, or even my cigarettes, I feel as if I could catch it.

I know better, I know the cigs would be more of a cause

Is this even possible

23-09-14, 22:02
You can't catch heart problems - it is an internal organ

Smoking however will give you your own heart problems in the future!

23-09-14, 23:37
Hear hear, cut the cigs and cut your risks

23-09-14, 23:43
Just got back from the cardiologists office where I had an echo done of my carotid arteries. Due to cardio vascular disease and head and neck cancer, they have to keep an eye on things. There's some plaque there but all in all it looked Ok.

So... I was a smoker. THAT along with hereditary luck of the draw has given me two heart attacks and cancer. So I'm telling you as someone who'd paid the price.... QUIT SMOKING!

Positive thoughts

23-09-14, 23:46
Glad to hear your echo was not too bad,brilliant bits of kit.

Catherine S
24-09-14, 12:38
I think the heart is a brilliant bit of kit too when you think about it :)