View Full Version : Smoking & Drinking...

24-09-14, 00:13
Hey Guys,

So basically I was sat at work today wandering why people with HA smoke and drink alcohol.

I'm not criticizing or anything because I smoke and I go out about once a month and drink alcohol. I was just wandering, if we all suffer from HA why do we smoke and drink?

My doctor told me that a lot of people who suffer with mental health issues drink and smoke as coping mechanisms. I saw a post a while ago that was about people with HA who drink and smoke but I just thought I'd post again. The post said that people who have HA make it worse for themselves.

But my HA started when I was 17 and still at college now. At that time I didn't drink or smoke and it was a lot worse than what it is now.
I'm just wandering if you guys find that smoking or drinking helps to relieve anxiety or if you think it makes it worse?

Much love, Andy


24-09-14, 00:16
I had stopped smoking. I started again after I got HA as I wanted to regain that bit of my brain that thinks I'm immortal.

Drinking really isn't all that bad for you IMO, so long as it's not in excess.

24-09-14, 00:33
My HA actually made me stop smoking! I'm not a big drinker, mainly social but since my HA just kicked in a month ago, I haven't drank at all.

24-09-14, 00:55
The only reason that I started smoking was because it would stop a panic attack before it fully progressed. When I first started having panic attacks my GP recommended exercise so I used to run and it was seriously the best cure ever!!! :D It's weird how general life changes can make a big impact

24-09-14, 12:44
I have stopped smoking and drinking due to my HA, I was still smoking and drinking for about 5 months while having HA until I realised it was making me feel 10x worse, I do have the occasional drink but nothing heavy, but i am even too scared to pick up a fag now due to health risk!

24-09-14, 12:58
I posted a thread about the same thing a while back. There are many, many threads concerning anxiety attacks due to the "morning after". Drinking has been proven to increase anxiety issues and doing so while on meds is a definite no-no. Many anxiety medications increase the effects of alcohol and diminish the effectiveness of the medication not to mention it can be dangerous.

Smoking? As one who has health issues due to tobacco use, I can say unequivocally, it WILL cause problems for you. If you fear heart issues or cancer issues and smoke?... Ummmm... no words...

Positive thoughts

24-09-14, 16:00
Agree with Fismanpa, I stopped smoking when my HA got more severe and always worried about cancer.

I suppose one good thing to come out my HA is that I will never touch a fag again, got to take the positives from the negatives I suppose! :D