View Full Version : Hi guys

24-09-14, 10:00
Hi everyone hope you are all doing ok. I saw the doctor today for my review while I'm on my medication my doctors are really great and have been so helpful and supportive. I'm currently on 45mg of mirtazipine and if i need any to take propanol when I get panicky I haven't talking any propanol for over 6 months now 😃. So anyways the doctor recommended I cut down my dose an try to come off so I've got a months worth of 30mg see how I go. I'm alittle nervous but I got to try be possitve :-) hopefully I can come of and be back to normal again

24-09-14, 18:38
Nice one. Hope it goes smoothly for you.

24-09-14, 19:15
Thank you very much I start on Friday night my 30mg dosage I'll keep a diary on here if I'm allowed to do that? I guess I just post every day

24-09-14, 19:40
Hi Sam make sure you come off very slowly to avoid any withdrawal,hold each dose for at least a month
Good luck