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View Full Version : Headache from poor sleeping position?

24-09-14, 17:33
Hi all

I know I fell asleep on the sofa yesterday in an awkward position and my neck hurt when I woke up. I was fine after a little while. This morning however, the pain in was throbbing with every heartbeat! It starts at the bottom of my skull behind my ear and goes all the way up to the top of my head on one side.

I've been taking regular painkillers which seems to keep it at bay. I've had a stiff neck before but this is more of a headache and I'm starting to worry now. Has anyone else experienced anything similar?

Thanks in advance xxx

24-09-14, 17:40
Hi I get headaches from my neck all the time. Usually the first day or so my neck is simply stiff but ongoing stiffness and alignment issues then results in a headache that can be ongoing for a week or two... then suddenly it disappears out of nowhere. My osteo once explained how the out of whack neck triggers the headache. The key is to try to prevent it becoming an ongoing thing. Ive had a fragile neck with related headaches for over twenty five years now. I can be great for 6 months yhen bang. Largely happens when I hold myself stiff due to anxiety or if I fall asleep on couch x

24-09-14, 20:30
Thank you so much for your reply. I've been in such a state today and obv googling doesn't help! I'm due my pain killers in an hour and I can tell I need them. I've been soo frightened. I have a doc appointment on Friday but felt I couldnt wait. Your post has made me feel a bit better. Never had a headache for so long!

I hope you don't suffer too long from this xx. Thanks again x