View Full Version : Me again :-(

24-09-14, 18:17
I have a minor (ish) worry tonight and could do with some reassurance.

I have had uneven pupils now for at least a year and when mentioned it to the doctor they couldn't tell and checked them against light - both seemed fine. (My pupils are 100% uneven in artificial light, my partner has confirmed this although I got over it for a long time as they 'work' still).

However I worried about a brain tumour for a while but with it not being my main worry (heart is my main issue) it tends to come and go. However I had quite a bad argument with my partner around 3 weeks ago and ended up shouting quite badly, my head literally felt as though it was going to explode as though something was trying to get out. My ears felt strange, my eyes felt strange! I'm convinced I have head pressure and am now even more worried about a brain tumour. I also have been getting very mild headaches quite frequently recently and I am not a headachey type of person (although I admit I'm slightly short sighted and never wear my glasses as I am deathly self conscious and look atrocious - my optician advised me that whilst I should wear my glasses regardless, my eyesight will not deteriorate any faster than if I had worn them).

So, what do you guys think? Now if I ever raise my voice I get this pressure and it feels awful, I never got it before. It makes me stare at my eyes to check my pupils, I even feel like taking a photo when they are noticeable to show the doctor, but I am hoping that even if they are uneven as long as they react correctly to light then they're fine.

Also I quite med cold turkey 20.5 weeks ago, so I am wondering if this could all be due to my body getting itself back in order. I also feel VERY tired and am having light diarrhea (Sorry TMI).

Sorry for my recent posts I'm just having a major freak out lately, I applied for counselling and it has been longer than expected, they also said they don't recommend 2 forms of therapy at once so I can't even try CBT again until after this which I have no idea when it will be.

24-09-14, 19:50
Thank you, I suppose mine may have been really and I just never noticed it. I was on antidepressants for almost 6 years I know they can cause it, but I've been off almost 21 weeks so assumed it would have corrected by now, unless permanent?

---------- Post added at 19:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:26 ----------

I've just been reading some past posts and now I'm worried it could be high blood pressure :-(
I've never had my blood pressure checked since I was pregnant which was over 7 years ago (was a little low but that was a long time ago).
I did go to the walk in centre in March 2013 and I may have had it taken.then I'm not 100% but I won't have been told the results.

24-09-14, 20:28

My husband and my niece have this, not all the time but my husband when he gets sleepy as one pupil that is noticeably larger than the other, I think it must just be due to his eye not reacting as well because he's tired. My niece also has the same thing, again not always noticeable but certainly is in some lights. So I think it's probably more common than you realise. If the doctors couldn't see anything then it doesn't sound like it's that noticeable, with my husbands and my niece it's really obvious it's like a light is being shined in one eye and not the other if that makes sense?

24-09-14, 20:42
Thanks again I'm sure they would have said if anything was up. Yep that makes sense with the light shining in one exactly like what mines like. I've even tried shining a light in my larger pupil and seeing if they.evened out haha, they didn't of course. The doctor requested to see me again in a few weeks (due to my low mood) so I'm going to write a list of everything that's been bothering me that I may have previously forgotten and I'm going to HAVE to believe it. It's affecting my life so much, I can't even enjoy my own daughter and everything my partner does annoys me :'(

25-09-14, 12:17
Haha thanks again.
I have an appointment in a fortnights time and I have put my list in my purse already. I'm freaking out over palpitations today and a 'tight' chest feeling, which was behind my sternum last time I mention it to doc who wasn't concerned at the time. had it on and off for around a year, typical it would now manifest where I will perceive it as heart related. Will this ever end!
On a plus side I am wearing my glasses indoors today and my eyes don't feel so strange.

---------- Post added at 12:17 ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 ----------

I'm such a weed, I've taken half of a 40mg Propranolol. I just can't handle this anymore, none of this happened before my anxiety diagnosis so that makes me a little positive in believing thiso is truly anxiety related, I'm just so worried.
I've been med free for so long :-( (21 weeks).