View Full Version : Introduction and need reassurance

24-09-14, 18:32

I first registered here about three years ago when I was first diagnosed with Health anxiety. My mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer (thankfully she has now recovered) and I had just finished with my PhD and was looking at applying for jobs. I had all sorts of pains in my lower abdomen, which I was sure was some form of serious disease. I went to see my doctor and he diagnosed the pain as "pain predominant IBS" but I had all sorts of blood tests done (and a ultrasound on my abdomen) and of course everything came back clean. As you will all doubt realise, however, this information is never enough; I refused to believe it and eventually the GP prescribed sertraline (first 50mg, moving up to 100mg later on).

Anyway, my mother recovered and I got a job in the US. I joined a new doctor here and slowly but surely we agreed that, since I was doing fine, I could be weaned off the sertraline. So about 6 months ago I was off the sertraline and feeling very proud of myself.

But then my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Now, this occurred in the summer, and I was kind of coping ok for a while. But these last couple of weeks I have been, to put it frankly, a bit of a mess. This also coincides with having to look for work again (my contract was only for 3 years here) and some other personal stuff. I had a routine physical last week, and my blood tests again came back clean, but I'm beginning to get the abdominal pain back again. I can convince myself there is nothing wrong with my digestive system (it's just IBS, I have been through it before), but now I am convinced that I have some prostate problem. Now, I am only 30, and I read (on the prostatecancer.co.uk website) it is extremely rare for such problems to arise in someone my age, but of course I read "extremely rare" as "still possible". Also, probably because I eat late at night and drink a lot of water with dinner, I find myself waking up in the middle of the night needing the toilet, further fuelling my fears. Now I am almost scared of drinking fluids in case I feel I need the toilet - completely stupid, but that's where my mind is.

I have one half of me telling me to calm down, and the other half asking "What if....?". I was so pleased when I came off the sertraline (it felt like such a victory), but now I am wondering if I should contact my doctor here and ask to be put back on, and maybe some CBT.

I guess I'm just looking for reassurance, but also to say that this seems like a fight we have to have everyday in order to survive. I beat this once, I really want to beat it again.

25-09-14, 00:25
As you say this is a fight we face everyday. I am glad your mum is okay now. Sorry that your dad has been diagnosed with prostate cancer but this cancer can be treated and you can live for up to 20 years with it. Not sure how old your dad is but, hopefully, it has been diagnosed early. My brother has just died of cancer and it does bring to the fore all the fears and anxiety associated with health anxiety. Like you I came off anti=depressants but eventually went back onto them as I found they do help greatly. I think you should go back to see your GP and discuss it with him.

25-09-14, 00:35
Thank you Frankie. I think you may be right about the antidepressants. As I said, it felt like such a victory to come off them, and I was fine for a while, but now it seems maybe I should go back if it means I can stop feeling like this.

25-09-14, 12:43
Hi marcay and welcome. :hugs:

Sorry for all the bad things you've had to go through. Definitely go see your doctor about your anxiety etc, they could help hit the nail on the head before it really comes fully out again. (What an awful metaphor but they were never my strong suit!)

How are you feeling today?

28-09-14, 00:11
Hi wnsos,

Feeling a bit edgy today. I am going to the doctor's on Monday - I'm guessing he will put me back on the sertraline. I also want to just chat with him about my physical and some other things. Part of me thinks its fine (maybe I have a strained muscle in my stomach) but the other part of me is panicking. I've been feeling miserable recently too. Taking each day as it comes.