View Full Version : paralyzed in fear

24-09-14, 20:11
Hi i had been doing well with my HA for a while but here I am again. For a little over a year now I have been progressivley loosing alot of weight to the point where my friends and famiy are asking me if im ok; even though I have been eating like i always have, i even increased my caloric intake and im still loosing weight. I had a blood test for my thyroid but it came back normal;after i spent time with dr google i learned you could have thyroid cancer even if your blood work is normal. I also recently had an ultra sound wih showed i had 2 fibroids and my gp told me i have a follicule on my ovary ... I googled this and now i also think i have ovarian cancer. Shes referred me to a gyno the appt is next month I am so scared theres something seriously wrong with me. I also have very low iron my levels were at 5 and of course when i googled this it shows that its another cancer symptom and im always feeling light headed even though im taking my iron meds. At this point i have quit my job, and have no motivation to look for new job all i do is sit and worry at home, and i feel so guilty because i know its hurting my parents and my sister to see me like this, i cry almost every day, im 27 and supposed to be enjoying life instead i sit here worrying like crazy that im going to die or something bad is going to happen to me :( ,

24-09-14, 21:47
I am so sorry that you are feeling so anxious and it must be a worrying time for you. You say you are 27 which would be very young to have ovarian cancer and this normally develops in middle age and when you are older.

If you had thyroid cancer I think you would have more symptoms than just loosing weight. Health anxiety can make you loose weight and this could be the reason as no matter that you are eating, the calories are burnt up by the nervous energy your body is using.

I think if your GP thought you had cancer you would be seen much quicker than 4 weeks as you would come under the two week rule.

24-09-14, 21:57
thanks frankie feel a bit better having reading this, seems like everytime the health anxiety returns it feels twice as bad