View Full Version : Cant even breathe

24-09-14, 21:58
I feel as if my breathing is shallow and tight like as if my windpipe is permanently being squeezed, like that type of noise. I'm always trying to squeeze my breathing to try push it away but it doesn't work. I've been seen by doctors and had blood test I saw the doctor last 2 weeks ago. She said everything was fine. However now I feel as if my windpipe is extremely narrow, it almost feels like athmsa, I also gag alot, help:'( is this actually a real problem? Am I going to die..

24-09-14, 22:25
i promise you you will be ok , anxiety and panic often causes similiar breathing issues with me, have you tried meditation or yoga, or deep breathing exersizes, when i feel my breathing going haywire like that i try to get fresh air and slowly take deep breaths in and out and i close my eyes.

Seamus Ireland
24-09-14, 22:43
Have you tried CBT yet? It should make a massive difference to your situation. When you experience what you describe as gagging is more than likely symptoms of your underlying anxiety disorder horrible and scary but won't cause any serious physical problems. If you get a chance ask your GP to refer you for CBT, in the meantime try some guided meditation (loads of free meditation recordings on You Tube also their is a self help book called Thrive on Amazon which is excellent and may be all you need to get your life back.

I wish you all the best.

25-09-14, 12:47
And definitely try to get CBT as soon as you can (even if you think you mightn't need it, since wait lists can be really long.) I had this feeling at a concert and I sent myself into a rotten panic that led to nightly crying sessions so definitely get your gloves on (there's a CBT booklet on here you can print out) and punch anxiety in the face.