View Full Version : New to this awful mix of feels.

25-09-14, 10:37
I'm new to panic attacks and anxiety. I had two panic/ anxiety attacks this last week because of driving. The first was while driving and the second (the next day after driving) because of the feeling that it would happen again while driving. I had what seems like intense anxiety symptoms afterwards; fixiated on breathing, feeling like I'm in a dream state where my mind feels almost blank but I'm highly aware of my surroundings, chills, clammy skin, numbness (including my internal system), loss of appetite, restlessness, and others. I ate very little and got 2-4 hours of sleep each night. I finally felt like I was getting better since most of the symptoms faded and the only thing left was being highly aware of my breathing. I also felt very picky about what I ate and still do. This "getting better" feeling didn't even last a day. My brother had to go to the hospital to get his appendix removed and the surgery ended up causing complications to where he was feeling immense pain even though the nurses kept giving him strong pain medication and also the medication was making his hands turn an odd color and he kept telling the nurses that the meds were making him feel weird and to stop giving it to him but they wouldn't listen. This put me in a panic/anxiety attack and now I feel like I'm going to die. I can't go to sleep because I'm afraid I'll die in my sleep, there's pain in between my shoulder blades that seems associated with my spine so I'm worried there's something wrong with my spine that may kill me or make me wake up paralyzed, I have what I think is reflux where in the center of my chest it feels weird and I have to burp to relieve it but then it comes back, my heart's racing, I was feeling very cold and couldn't stop trembling, my face and head feel weird perhaps because the muscles are tense, my breathing feels odd as well like shallow and slow, I get random pains and sensations throughout my body, and I also felt when I was panicking my stomach digest stuff and it feels like I need to...this is awkward...defecate but when I push it feels like my intestines arent cooperating and it feels stuck but not like constipation, more like weird numbness. I'm worried I'll get low blood sugar and fall into a coma because all I could manage to eat today was two cheese sticks. The thought of eating now scares me because I feel it'll add to that weird chest feeling that is kinda like reflux I guess. Is this even anxiety? Like I thought with anxiety that your body makes you go to the restroom often but I feel like I can't.

25-09-14, 11:40
I could have written this myself, Panda :( I feel exactly the same way today and it's very uncomfortable. If it makes you feel any better I'm having the same symptoms as you. All because of anxiety :(

I woke up feeling disgraceful today! The back pain and lack of appetite are bothering me just now and it's so hard to force yourself out of that cycle because you feel too nauseous to eat. It's awful!!

25-09-14, 13:39
Yeah, it is beyond awful! I don't feel nausious about eating though, I just have a loss of appetite and fear that I may eat something that'd make my anxiety worse or end up choking because of this weird feeling in my throat. It's tight and numbish. When I swallow something as thin as saliva, I can see this lump move down my throat as if I just swallowed a rock. It's making me worried.

25-09-14, 14:08
That's probably just tight muscles from all the tension, Panda. My throat is very tense just now and I'm getting almost twitching or fluttering which gets worse after I eat so also totally anxious about eating!

30-09-14, 23:05
It truly is amazing how you can be so tense muscularly without even realising it. I'm constantly trying to relax my muscles, but then I notice a couple of minutes later they're tense again.