View Full Version : Really worried again

25-09-14, 18:09
Hi all
Sorry for posting again , but I'm getting stressed out . I keep getting an uncomfortable squeezing feeling in my left arm top of left shoulder up side of neck to my jaw . When I've looked at heart symptoms this is definitely one of them. I also get palpitations when just walking up the stairs .
Just to let you know my history . I've had ecg "normal" 3 times blood results " excellent" blood pressure 118/72 "good" . I exercise , I walk up mountains no problem . so why am I so worried again ???
Please can someone try and put my mind at rest or is this the real thing this time. By the way I've had this feeling in my back and arm for months now . But I have also read people can have this symptom months before leading up to a heart attack , help x

25-09-14, 20:14

Sometimes that happens to me. Sometimes its just the nerves. They're all very intricate and connected so it makes sense the pain might radiate through out that area. For instance, I have pain in my tooth and it shot down to my neck by my chest. Maybe you pulled a muscle?
If you are concerned just go to a walk in clinic but think back to when you might have pulled something? Remember GOOGLE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND.
I had a bunch of heart worries after google made it worse. Saw my doctor yesterday and he said everythings fine. Best thing you can do is see a doctor but I'm sure you're fine. Maybe take it easy on that side of your arm then.

Don't worry! <3

---------- Post added at 13:14 ---------- Previous post was at 13:11 ----------

And remember as well the more you think about it the more intensified it is. I know its easier said than done but just keep that in mind.

25-09-14, 20:54
Thanks for yr reply Jessica

I have seen my doctor about it and voiced my concerns about heart so I have had blood tests and ecg. He didn't mention anything about pulled muscle but I wish I could think that's all it is , but maybe your right , I have done a few press ups here and there and yoga snd weights sometimes . but wouldn't that affect both sides ? Why is it always on my left side ? Although I am right handed !! Maybe I'll google pulled muscle and hopefully find my symptoms instead of thinking I'm going to have heart attack and die every 2 minutes . X

25-09-14, 21:01
The reason you're still concerned is due to your real illness, "HA". There's no medical reason based on what tests and what the doctors have found. The fact is, anxiety does cause real physical symptoms. Just one look at the symptoms link is rather sobering. Our minds are the most powerful organ in our bodies and that combined with the effects of stress and worry can cause much of what you're feeling.

Positive thoughts

25-09-14, 21:23
Thanks fishmanpa
I know you have replied to my posts before , I will look at the symptoms link . I have tried to get help but I'm still wIting for cbt to get back to me. I've been waiting 5 weeks .
It's weird because I know I have this problem but it literally takes over my mind it's ruining my life . It seems to be getting worse , I'm trying to stop drinking only since Saturday tho so far as I know this mske me worse but since then my HA has been bad , hope it gets better soon x

26-09-14, 02:51
sometimes it just happens though. Me for instance I have a shooting pain in my lower back and was convinced I had a kidney problem but then I had it explained to me that unfortunately as we get older our bodies can become a little more fragile and just start hurting. Its normal to feel pain. But I understand your fear. Once you're in the slump its really hard to get out of.
In the mean time this clip is kinda funny. Kind of relevant but maybe it'll give you a good laugh :)

26-09-14, 23:05
Hi Jessica
Ha clip did make me laugh . Suppose it's true , my mother said to me today if she stressed about every ache and pain she would be neurotic I said well I am ha she is 80 and I at 41 complain more than her ??? Something wrong there !! X

27-09-14, 16:26
Exactly! Its all about perspective. Glad we got a smile on your face! Everything will be okay :):hugs:

27-09-14, 17:07
These pains could be easily explained with muscle tightness/fatigue from being tense, pinched nerves etc... The fact that you exercise and don't get any awful reactions during those times is definitely reassuring :)

As for palps, they're a bugger but it seems the lot of us suffer with them. We need a magic off switch for our brains!!!