View Full Version : My body is becoming weaker. Cancer fear :(

26-09-14, 00:18
Hi - me again :(

Iv tried to avoid posting here because I have posted a lot of things which sound ridiculous reading them back a few months later. I'm sure this will be another one of those, but I'm worried, so Im back.

I was feeling really unwell back in March through to June, I had loads of symptoms and no Dr could diagnose me, but I was really really ill, I had to leave my job. My own self diagnosing ranged from hiv, candida, gallstones, pancreatic cancer and hepatitis.
Because the Dr couldn't tell me why I felt so ill I feel like those things could all still be the reason, I haven't felt 100% since. Something I noticed at the time was my nail beds becoming very pale. Two thirds of my nail bed is white and the top bit is pink, iv also had a recurring yellow tongue that I have to brush several times a day. I haven't seen my tongue a normal colour for months.

Recently I have found that my bones and muscles seem to be weaker than usual, and this is what's concerning me right now. I walked 2 miles the other night, which is not far for me (I'm used to climbing mountains) and for the last couple days my shin has been in agony. I find it really unusual that i have got this pain from a short walk. I was dancing at my brothers wedding 2 weeks ago and the next day my muscles were in agony. Iv done a lot of dancing before and never hsd this problem. So i currently have this obsession that I must have some kind of cancer that's been undiagnosed and it's spread to my bones. Either that or some kind of disease that's going to leave me wheelchair bound. I was at my Dr a couple weeks ago about rib pain that iv had for months now and he just said it will be muscular and prescribed ibuprofen. I feel like if i tell him about this he will just think it's in my head. I can't help but think the rib pain will have something to do with everything else going on.

I need to stop talking this has rambled on for far too long. I guess im just looking for a sympathetic pat on the head or someone to tell me I'm being ridiculous.

26-09-14, 01:27
I think you're fine. It is flu season after all. What's your diet like?
If you keep going to the doctor and he says you're find then you most likely are.
Have you been vomiting or had diarrhea?
I know I've been feeling a little woozy lately too and off balance.
You wont be wheel chair bound and you're not going to die. Maybe try a different doctor?
I once thought that my tooth ache was an infection spreading through out my body and into my head. So don't worry you don't sound crazy or anything. Everyone on here has their problems :)

05-10-14, 09:45
How are you feeling now? I can relate to the muscle issues. It's easy to let things get out of control in your head. Did you go see the dr again or have things improved? X

05-10-14, 10:06
Going through much the same thoughts at the moment. Am feeling knackered & sluggish so much of the time, my muscles ache in various places and I am unable to attribute them to any particular activity, some nodes are up and I've been getting sweaty at night, but I think it's just a nasty cold combined with a lot of muscular tension from anxiety - I went for a massage the other day and she said my back was in a right state. I know anxiety can lead you to hold on to a lot of tension without realising it but am also finding it pretty hard not to leg it to the doctor, especially when feeling this crappy.

Maybe it would do you some good for you to take some multivitamins, the nail bed thing is likely some kind of mineral or vitamin deficiency. Also if you think about how quickly nails grow, expect it to take a bit of time to see any improvement...

05-10-14, 11:46
If your muscles are weaker than they have been in the past, the simple answer is that you exercised them more in the past, and you are trying to do things like long walks or dancing all night without the necessary daily exercise to back them up.

When doctors can't find any specific disease process for patients presenting with a mix of physical symptoms, they usually stamp it as "functional", ie stress, lifestyle, diet, work or family problems, but not a physical disease in their textbook. This is not to say that the illness is not real, but it is lifestyle or psychological related.