View Full Version : Anxiety back. Feel like my life is being ruined

26-09-14, 11:43
Hi everyone. For the last year or so my anxiety has been pretty non existant. I've been able to start a new job Which I really like and have been able to get my life back on track. I'm happy and thought I had beaten the worst of it.

2 weeks ago I was at work when I had two major panic attacks. They were so awful and I haven't had a panic attack in 3 years. I went home and the next day returned to work and felt fine. Didn't even give it another thought. But 2 days ago I was on the train to meet my friend and I just felt the wave of anxiety wash over me. I just carried on and tried to ignore it but it didn't go and now 2 days later it's still here. I don't want to get sucked into the habit of not going out but feel awful. I'm supposed to meet my friend in a few hours but feel very nervous. My bosses at work have been very supportive and move me to do jobs that keep me busier and with more people to talk to so my mind is occupied but I know I can't do that all the time.

I'm already taking my citalopram so I just wondered if anyone had any tips for getting through the day until this anxiety passes. Sorry for such a long winded message.

Seamus Ireland
27-09-14, 00:06
Hello Oscar1,
Its nice to have surpport from your Managers / Employers - Have you ever tried CBT? Or you could try "Thrive" authored by Rob kelly www.thriveprogramme.org its a nice simple to follow book and highly effective. I understand how debilitating panic attacks can be I suffered for years with them I found - Half Inderal LA 80mg useful for helping to control the physical symptoms of panic attacks.

I hope u get back on track soon Oscar1.

27-09-14, 05:23
Hello Oscar1,
Its nice to have surpport from your Managers / Employers - Have you ever tried CBT? Or you could try "Thrive" authored by Rob kelly www.thriveprogramme.org (http://www.thriveprogramme.org) its a nice simple to follow book and highly effective. I understand how debilitating panic attacks can be I suffered for years with them I found - Half Inderal LA 80mg useful for helping to control the physical symptoms of panic attacks.

I hope u get back on track soon Oscar1.

Is that the guy who runs the Pure Hypnotherapy association? If so, how does that product work? Is it hypnotherapy or psychology?

The reason I ask is that I have seen this guy involved with the IAPH and his site mentions THRIVE is backed up by studies and I would question this when it comes to hypnotherapy of any kind. Its not that I would dismiss it, but there are anxiety 'gurus' out there who make similar claims and when you investigate their claims, they are not backed up by anybody but their own employees testimonials or in-house studies.

I'm kind of interested in the pure hypnoanalysis subject anyway as it used a longer structure of sessions that seems closer to that of CBT so I've posed a question to you about it on the Therapy board in one of the hypnotherapy for GAD thread that you posted in.