View Full Version : Desperate - Any thoughts appreciated

26-09-14, 15:50

I don't know where to really start but I have the urge to put everything 'on paper' in the hope that someone out there has been through a similar experience or can offer me any advice because I feel completely at the end of my tether, dejected and heartbroken.

I'll start by saying that over the past few days I've been doing a bit of soul searching and trying to understand what has 'caused' this and trying to understand how things have gotten this bad. I'm a female in my late twenties. I guess I've always been a worrier and anxious, but it's always been hidden. When I was 10 my parents divorced which devastated me as I was so close to my dad. We moved home and I started a new school where I was unhappy and severely bullied by a group of boys. I think this left me with a great deal of anxiety that I never really recovered from. I've never discussed it with anyone. I have a wonderful long time Partner and great family and friends who think I am easy going, jovial and enjoy life. But to be honest I've been 'on edge' for a long time. I always worry what I look like, what people think of me, of sounding stupid and generally of not being good enough. I over analyse every conversation and interaction and i'm painfully self conscious. I look in the mirror and see a pale, gaunt, ugly face looking back - Even though I KNOW i'm not ugly. Of course I'm very good at hiding all this. It's only been over the past few days that I've acknowledged this to myself.

I've had an issue with 'checking' OCD for the past several years. In a previous flat (when we were both smokers), I didn't put a cigarette out properly which caused a pretty bad fire when I was home alone in bed. Since this I have developed an absolute fear of causing a fire and I stopped smoking. I check everything is unplugged in the house when I leave and have to take a photo on my phone of the cooker, hair straighteners, toaster etc etc to assure myself they are off even when I haven't used them that day. It's pathetic and hidden from my Partner and everyone else. He knows I check things but he definitely doesn't know how bad it is.

Now onto 'the symptoms' which started in December 2013. Before this time I had probably been to the doctors 2/3 times in 15 years. I had problems with bowel movements and what I assumed were haemmorids for a long time but I was mortified to seek help. In December I started to get a very deep painful throbbing in my groin and left leg. I went to the doctor who couldn't find anything wrong and sent me for a scan, which showed nothing wrong. In the back of my mind I was fearing cervical cancer or bowel / anal cancer which had spread. I bit the bullet and told my doctor about the haemmoroids which she examined and confirmed are internal and external. I've had months of different ointments and treatments and i'm currently on a waiting list to see a specialist at the hospital. I know it is something worse as I've left it for years and I have excruciating pain during and after the loo. The doctor didn't think this was related to the groin / leg pain and I was given painkiller. Over Christmas it died down but was still present.

I'll mention that at this time I was under, what I can acknowledge now as, a great deal of stress. I was in a job where I was contracting and had the constant threat of my contract ending hanging over me. My boss was a manipulative bully who was wearing me down over many years and my workload was too much to handle. My partner and I were (and still are) trying to save for a deposit in a very expensive housing area and get out of our rented tiny flat so we can finally try to start a family. My Partner is working every hour under the sun for the cash and he is constantly exhausted and we rarely get to spend any quality time together. I felt that I was under a huge amount of pressure and would regularly come home and sink 2 big glasses of wine in the evening just to help me relax / numb the pain in my groin / leg. (I changed job in April but my symptoms have got worse even though I am happier in my job and earning more money for a much nicer boss!)

Fast forward to the end of January and out of the blue my left arm was numb for several days. I then started getting a piercing pain in my lower left head accompanied with pins and needles feeling / numbness in my jaw, eyebrow, shoulder and lightheadedness. Sometimes it came and went, other time it lasted all day long. Back and forward to the doctors over the next few months trying to figure out what was going on. She thought migraine and I first tried proponol with little effect then amitriptyline which made me feel like a zombie but the symptoms lessened. She also sent me to a neurologist and I had an MRI of my head, spine and neck. During this time I was worried sick about MS, cancer, brain tumours, you name it. The scan came back fine (other than a disc bulge in L3/L4 which they think explains the groin / leg pain as it is right on my sciatic nerve) and Neurologist said he thought my symptoms were migraine. They upped the amitriptyline.

During February, around the time I was waiting for my results, I developed horrible, crushing chest pain on my left side which would spread to my back (behind my shoulder blade), arm and jaw and was accompanied by the head pain, lightheadedness, face numbness etc etc. By this point I was really scared. I was back and forward to the doctors and they thought it was a pulled muscle (!) and muscle tension due the stress of the migraines. I'll try not to go on and on, but over the next few months everything that was originally happening on the left side was also happening on the right side of my body too. The head pain and numbness / tingling had cleared, but I have had near constant horrible crushing chest pain and pressure that moves around to my back and sometimes starts in my back. My neck and arms ache and i'm often lightheaded. I get real 'attacks' of it at times which are frightening and all of this has creating a huge amount of stress and anxiety for me. I've been back to the doctors several times and they can't explain it - I have had every blood test, several ECG's, spent around £1000 on Physio, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Massage and it's not getting any better. I've been left with horrible cracking in my back whenever I roll my shoulders. They all say I have a lot of tension / knots in my upper body but no one can pin point what is causing these crazy symptoms.

I was feeling completely out of it and detached from my own body. I made a real effort to ignore it as much as I could and accept the pain was muscular even though every day at work was a struggle. My work just think I have a sore back as i'm contracting and I don't get paid for sick days and they can cancel my contract whenever they please. My family and friends and Partner know about the physical symptoms and they are all worried but they don't understand how awful I have felt. I was determined to get on with my life and not let this dominate my every waking thought which is what was happening.

2 weeks ago I headed off with friends for a holiday which was booked a year ago. I was apprehensive in the run up to going away as I know my body and I know I am absolutely 'not right'. But I wasn't going to cancel - I had to get on with it. First few days I was apprehensive and felt like I was having to force enjoyment. My upper back and chest had the usual horrible pressure and I had spells of lightheadness. Then one night we were going for dinner into a busy restaurant in the hotel and a came over completely dizzy, the chest pain on the right side was crushing and spreading to my arm and face. I could barely get my words out. I told me friends what was happening and they took me to my room and suggested calling an ambulance. All I wanted to do was sleep so I said I was fine and went to bed feeling dizzy and in a lot of pain. Somehow I fell right asleep and slept for the next 12 hours. I woke up with a racing heart (never happened to me before) and for the next couple of days I felt terrible but tried to out a brave face on things. I was ruining my friends holiday and I hated myself for it. Why couldn't I be having a great time like the rest of them? I was lightheaded with spells of dizziness, my balance was off, chest was aching and my heart was racing from the minute I got up until I went to bed. I was scared to death and couldn't wait to get back home. On the last day we were checking out and I had another 'attack' exactly the same as the first. My friends insisted I went to hospital so off I went.

They ran ECG's, blood test, blood pressure - all the usual, with the addition of a chest CT san with contrast. I thought that now I would get some answers as I knew, absolutely knew, that there was something not right. What on earth else could explain all of this madness! I didn't care what they found, as long as they found SOMETHING to explain what was happening to me. I know that sounds mad and I hate myself for thinking that way when there are people with serious problems who would love to be free of them. You guessed it, complete bill of health. Doctor said that I was definitely having palpitations and that I d experienced panic attacks. I didn't understand this. A friend of mine has panic attacks which last a few minutes and then they are gone - I have been feeling terrible for months and these 'attacks' last much longer and I feel the effects for days. He basically shrugged his shoulders and said to follow up with my doctor in the UK.

By this point I was so dizzy that walking was a real struggle and my mouth was dry regardless of how much I drank. By the time I got home 14 hours later I was a complete wreck and terrified as to what was happening. The head pain and face numbness was back accompanied with a strange hot sensation on my face (ear particularly). I managed to get a doctors apt the next day where I told my unsympathetic doctor what happened on holiday. She chalked it all up to anxiety / panic disorder and told me to come off the notripyline and go onto pregabalin for the anxiety and migraine. I got no offer of support or explanation for what happened to me.

I haven't been at work all week because I physically can't leave the house. I'm dizzy whenever I stand up, my chest feels bruised and sore, my head aches, my neck has seized up and i'm an emotional mess. Whenever I get dressed to leave the house I feel i'm on the 'verge' of something terrible and i'm fearing another attack.

I would love to hear from anyone who has experienced anything like this or has any thoughts on what is happening to me. Can this all be anxiety? Do my attacks sound like panic attacks?

I need to get back to work as I don't get paid when i'm off and how long can I hide this for!? But you know what, I actually don't care about work anymore, I just want to know what is happening to me. I am scared out of my mind and feel like something awful is going to happen. I had a full on blubbering breakdown to my partner last night and all he can do is hold me and tell me everything will be ok. I know that it won't as it's getting worse and worse.

I thank anyone who has taken the time to read this ramble from the bottom of my heart. Any advice or thoughts are so welcome.

I wish all of you who are experiencing any panic / anxiety problems all the very best and hope you get the help you need. I had no idea how truly terrifying and consuming it could be.


26-09-14, 16:13
I have read your story and feel saddened by your suffering. What you are feeling is outside my experience & I cannot offer any useful advice. However, I would suggest visiting a different GP, possibly trying psychotherapy (CBT?) or someother treatment to manage the anxiety.
I hope things start to improve soon:)

26-09-14, 16:43
Hi Anna,

Sorry to hear youre feeling so bad. Im also in my twenties and have been unknowingly suffering from anxiety since i was about 9/10, when an bad experience with sickness left me a little traumatised. I too seem happy and jovial on the outside but inside i struggle with panic every. singe. day. But in saying that, i am so much better and although i have a long road to feeling 'normal',we can feel normal again.

Your symptoms do sound EXACTLY like anxiety and panic. If they havent diagnosed you with anything but anxiety, then that is what it is. Anxiety. For me, realising this was the first step. I visualise my anxiousness as a dragon, and slowly he has reduced in size. But the truth of the matter is that a) YOU ARE HEALTHY b) YOU WILL FEEL BETTER. What youre experiencing is your body naturally telling you that you need to take better care of yourself; to love yourself more, to take life's struggles as they come etc.

If you can, start a course of CBT and either open up more to your doctor or find one who will listen and sympathise. Meds is also another option. Meditation, self help etc are amazing and there are lots of other natural remedy routes to go down though it can take a while to find the right combo for you.

The biggest thing though, is support. You seem to have a great partner who will support you so make sure that he understands what youre going through. If you have family and friends to confide in as well, the more the merrier :P And it doesnt make you weak to need to be supported (always remember that)

If you want to chat or anything just send me a message :)

Best wishes xxxx

26-09-14, 17:36
Wow. A LOT od similarities there for me. I can`type enough here to explain what I want to. I`,ll pm you

26-09-14, 17:43
Thanks to you both for the advice and good wishes. You are both very kind. :hugs:

Your post makes sense to me Emma and I wish, truly, that I could accept what is happening to me as purely caused by anxiety. I really wish I could.

Here's hoping that the Pregabalin kicks in soon and I've already made an appointment to start CBT in 10 days time. You're right in saying that my other half is supportive - I don't know how I would have coped without him. I just wish I had opened up sooner before this monster was created.

I know I should just accept this is anxiety and get on with it but I've never heard of anyone having these symptoms with panic attacks which worries me. I feel that I can't start to get better until I can be sure.

Has anyone out there experienced anything similar to my attacks / health symptoms?

Sure Derek - Thanks

29-09-14, 21:01
Hi Anna,

Ive had most, if not all of your symptoms. Ive been doing CBT for over a year now. I know you say you wish you could accept anxiety for what it is and sometimes i wish i could to. When you start CBT, it will make a bit more sense. I sometimes lie in bed thinking 'how did i get like this' 'i should have told someone sooner' 'it cant just be anxiety theres got to be something else wrong'. But truly... thats all it is. Its just how our bodies cope when its come to the end of its tether. For me, my trigger for the initial panic was when my Grandad died suddenly. I was fine at first, i got on with things. I noticed that i didnt let myself grieve properly because i kept my feelings bottled up. But in October last year, my body said "Nope, ive had enough strain, you need to wake up and deal with this because youve swept it under the rug for too long". Now its baby steps but i will get there.

WE will get there xx promise

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:56 ----------

Just to let you know what symptoms ive had:

Mine started with checking OCD and washing my hands constantly when i was around 9. Then as i got older, i got ectopic beats, felt sick all the time and was always tired on top of this. Then when i was about 16/17, i got daily headaches, dry mouth, lightheadedness, poor concentration, more ectopics.. and all i wanted to do was sleep. My moods were ridiculously erratic and i thought i was Bipolar. I never told anyone though.... Long story short, ended up in A&E because i thought i was having a heart attack (numb face,hands and feet, couldnt breathe properly, shivering like a leaf etc) Turns out id had a panic attack in my sleep and coupled with a bad dream, id woken up looking and feeling like i'd run a marathon!

I still get the same symptoms every day but i get up and face them. Because i know what they truly are... Forgot to mention above but you can access a free CBT course from here before you start your therapy to give yourself a bit of a head start into how it will help you :) :bighug1:

29-09-14, 21:10
hey anna, i hope you're feeling a bit better today. i have had something similar, back problems of varying degrees from nagging pain to total agony, for nearly 18 months and other symptoms like an aching arm, a twitching eye (8 weeks), which by august had turned into my whole right side seizing up at work every day, head to toe. i couldn't sit without getting "electricity" in my head. i feel dizzy most of the time, especially in shops and places with a lot of stimulation. i had a brain and c-spine mri which both came back normal.

a month ago i went to hospital 4 times in 48 hours, feeling like i was suffocating from the inside and with spasms in my chest. i was awake for 50+ hours, didn't eat for 3 days. on the fourth trip (to a different hospital), with searing pain in my chest and unable to sit down because of the "electricity", the psych team was brought to see me. some of the symptoms disappeared then. some still remain - the back pain especially, for such a long time of being tense - and occasionally my side still seizes up although i'm on meds now.

the difference in me now and a month ago is marked, although obviously still far from better. i start cbt tomorrow. ping me a pm if you want to chat.

30-09-14, 11:51
Sorry to hear of your suffering. I have had the symptoms you describe over the years!! I always imagine my brain as a scab, it can easily get knocked and start to bleed. I have to work hard at keep my anxiety at bay. At the moment I am feeling really tired, this has raised my Health anxiety, My upper back, shoulder is very painful and my ectopic beats are raging! I also feel like I am having dizzy spells. I have suffered on and off with the symptoms you describe for years, but I know they are anxiety, sure I do have times when I'm not 100% that I question, search for answers. The best thing to do is accept it, sounds easy eh? ... I read Dr Claire Weekes Self Help for your nerves. That really helped me. I also realise now that I need to take time to relax do a relaxation tape, practice my breathing, swim or do yoga. When I don't do these thing, the dreaded thoughts of whats wrong, what if come flooding back as do the physical symptoms. You will get better. Small baby steps and trying to address some of your stress. I wish you well xx