View Full Version : I'm scared I have cancer and am dying

26-09-14, 16:31
So I've been having issues off and on for a few months. Please bare with me as I give back story. Years and year of stomach issues. In June my af was 2 weeks late might be connected so I mention it. In July I got horrible GI issues and diarrhea and my temp was 100.5. Dr claimed it was a sinus infection put me on antibiotics. Temp came down and was 99.0-99.3 until I got af (my period) and suddenly my temp was normal 98.1 and such. Then in August my temp went to 99.0 and 99.2 and stayed there off and on all month regardless of my period.

My gyn did blood work in August and found I had little to no progesterone and for September 1-14 I was on progesterone pills. Meanwhile I'd had a CT of my pelvis and abdomen and assorted blood work and all was normal.

On September 12 I forgot a progesterone pill and had a check up with my dr because my temp was still low grade. That day my temp was 100.4. She ran more blood work and checked my urine and all was normal. Chest xray was normal.

September 14 took my last progesterone and my period started on the 16th and since then my temperature has been 98.1 and 98.6 and has been normal.

Last night I woke up with night sweats. I'm super scared I have cancer. I've been crying off and on all day because I'm so terrified I'm goin to die.

26-09-14, 17:29
Night sweats. Boy! Do I hate those. Classic signs of stress. Along with years of stomach issues (that I have too). When your stomachs not right, nothing`s right and then you stress and then it`s a vicious circle.

Your blood work is normal. NORMAL. Says a lot really. Getting it off your chest probably will help and if you feel even a teensy weensy bit better for reading ANY of this then you know what I`ve said is right and Cancer you have not. ;)

26-09-14, 18:32
Thank you so much! That really does help. Also I had my first allergy shot yesterday which definitely could probably give night sweats.

It's likely my temperature issues are hormone related.

26-09-14, 19:08
Seriously. Sweating is a stress sign. I bet you have either the odd nightmare or vivid crazy dream too. For a while I went through a pulse checking thing. I even had an app on my phone to check my pulse. Completely stupid inaccurate gimmick that actually created stress and made me worse. Worse to the point of stomach pain, constipation, heartburn, bloating, trapped wind, nausea, weakness, lack of appetite, over heating. The list goes on.

Al because of stress and worry. Months of my life wasted. :scared15:

True but and a LOT of people on here will be in the same boat , along with the `what if I have...........` nonsense. Followed by the garbage google says you could have.

You`re good. Make a cup of tea. :yesyes:

26-09-14, 19:10
Is it possible that your anxiety is causing your temperature to rise? I'm always worrying about my temp, I'm been feeling ill on and off for a year, I'm meant to have blood tests done but am too scared to have them. They think I might be perimenopausal as I've been having iffy periods, feeling hot, things like that, but because of my HA I'm convinced it's something far more sinister.

Anyway yesterday I was really stressing and I took my temp and it was 36.7, I stressed took it again and it was 37.0 still stressing took it again and it was 37.2, I proceeded to worry and then eventually started calming down and when I took it a couple of hours later it was 36.4.

Also what time of day are you taking your temp as it's always higher afternoon/evening.

I think the clear blood tests say a lot if you had something going on that was causing your temp your blood results would show abnormalities without a doubt.

26-09-14, 21:57
I've always been pretty notorious for being cold at night, even in the summer. Since this started, I've been having night sweats too. It could absolutely be from working yourself up into a frazzle over everything :hugs:

27-09-14, 21:19
Thank you everyone! I really need to get over this death fear but I don't even know how to approach it

27-09-14, 21:30
I've been having night sweats recently too. I am going to the doctor, because my cycles are going haywire as well and I'm getting breast tenderness, ovulation pains, terrible pmt all month AND anxiety too - I am convinced it's hormonal and all down to the perimenopause.

27-09-14, 21:41
Hi, based on the battery of tests you've had then if you had anything significant wrong with you then it would of definitely been picked up by now. HA is a terrible thing and once it's in your head it's very difficult to see things rationally. As for night sweats...yep I get them. I woke up the other week drenched in sweat, but it's all part of the anxiety process.

27-09-14, 21:53
I've been having night sweats recently too. I am going to the doctor, because my cycles are going haywire as well and I'm getting breast tenderness, ovulation pains, terrible pmt all month AND anxiety too - I am convinced it's hormonal and all down to the perimenopause.

I'm kind of suspecting Perimenopause. I'm 30 but I wouldn't be surprised

27-09-14, 22:31
I'm kind of suspecting Perimenopause. I'm 30 but I wouldn't be surprised

How old was your mum when she went through menopause? Usually it's a good indicator of how old you'll be. Perimenopause can last up to 10 years(!!)
It could be a hormone imbalance, even if not perimenopause ! Worth chatting to your doctor about blood tests, maybe?

27-09-14, 22:54
How old was your mum when she went through menopause? Usually it's a good indicator of how old you'll be. Perimenopause can last up to 10 years(!!)
It could be a hormone imbalance, even if not perimenopause ! Worth chatting to your doctor about blood tests, maybe?

They've done blood tests. I'm on progesterone on days 1-14 each month. When she checked my blood I had almost no progesterone in me.

Not sure about my mom and menopause. I need to ask her. I'll see her tonight and ask.