View Full Version : Repeat urine test

27-09-14, 13:31
hi there doctor done blood tests and urine test got a letter this moning saying due to results lab want a repeat urine test anyone any idea whythey would do this and has anyone else been told this when they already have the results am worried sick

27-09-14, 18:40
Chances are that the sample you gave May have become contaminated/spoilt in the lab - you said in your post that it is the lab that requested a further sample.

Or it could simply be that they want to see if whatever they found has cleared up on its own.

Either way, if it was anything to worry about, I'm sure your GP would have asked to see you.

27-09-14, 20:10
hi there thank you for the reply it was my doctor who sent me the letter saying he has advised that i repeat the urine test he told me to get a sample bottle from the surgery and hand it in so a bit confused to why he requeted this i am thinking mabie something showed up in the sample and he wants it rechecked the letter says following the results of your recent urine sample dt kent has advised that you repeat the test i am worried sick and always think the worse thank you for taking the time to reply

27-09-14, 20:16
Do you mind me asking what you were being tested for?
It could still be that the sample got messed up in the lab - when I was pregnant with my first baby, a routine urine sample came back as having E coli. Fortunately, my GP questioned it, because she didn't want me to have antibiotics for something I didn't have - sure enough, it had been contaminated in the lab.

If you're really worried, ask to talk to your doctor - you have every right to, where tests are concerned.x

27-09-14, 20:28
hi there i dont know what i am being tested for i only went for a reveiw of my meds and the doctor decided to do urine and blood tests about 4 months ago i did have an ecoli infection but cleared up with antibiotics my mind is running riot as i cant ask untill monday and even then i wont get seeing a doctor usely if its something simple i get a letter saying to make a non urgent appointment with the doc so thats why im worried thanks once again

01-10-14, 17:56
hi there just found out i have Albumin in urine have not got a clue what this means have not done the repeat test yet as i noticed lots of white floaters in urine anyone know anything at all

01-10-14, 18:05
I had this once during a routine urine test, turned out I was just a bit under the weather and next test was fine.

I think you have to have 3 or more tests come back abnormal before doctors do anything as it's common to have it out of whack for no reason.


01-10-14, 19:19
thank you for replying as am realy worried did you have the white bits to x

---------- Post added at 19:19 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------

oh also forgot to say i had e-coli in my urine a few months ago get meds and that seemed to clear uo but a couple of weeks ago i had a realy bad stomache bug with diaharea x

01-10-14, 19:56
White bits in urine is quite common too, I've had it plenty of times. If you felt poorly when you gave the sample that they probably explains it.

Send in the new sample and I bet you'll be just fine xx

01-10-14, 20:38
oh thanks mondie thats made me feel much better had so many bad times the last 3 years lost 3 of my family first my son then dad then my sister so realy think the worse on everything x

01-10-14, 20:42
Blimey that's a lot to have to deal with. Have you tried any counselling? Maybe it would help with your thought process, I've just started seeing a therapist and it's already allowing me to challenge old behaviours.

Big hugs and do that sample!


01-10-14, 21:53
mondie i have been to see a counseler but did not do me much good am coping with my sister and dad but dont think i will ever get over my son as he was not ill it was such a shock he just went for a sleep and never woke up so think am expecting the worse in everything its been 3 tears sinse i lost my son then 5 months later my dad then 18 months exacly after my son my sister think i am just paranoid x

01-10-14, 22:11
I can only imagine how awful it must be for you.

Big hugs


01-10-14, 22:15
Big hugs from me also Sarah x

01-10-14, 22:45
More than likely contaminated sample mine did same few weeks back got a phone call to repeat

01-10-14, 23:54
thank you everyone will let you know how it goes xx

10-10-14, 23:18
hi everyone just an update on the urine test second one was fine but doctor put me on lercanidipine for blood pressure not taken any yet am paranoid about them as 5 year ago he put me on b/p meds and i slept for days oh loaded with flu atm dont life suck lol x