View Full Version : heart attack on its way? .....

27-09-14, 16:36
Im 39 years of age and ive had servere twitching undiagnosed by the drs its subsided although still around. I put it down to anxiety....a week ago i was woken from a deep sleep by this aching in my chest it hurt alot. Ive suffered palpatations and what feels like irregular heart e
beats / rythem when im in bed....ive not had any other episodes of chest pain but my left arm is really aching today and my fingers too...im not very fit and probably a stone over weight. Im concerned im going to have a heart attack or that i have heart disease . So the anxiety starts...should i see the dr

---------- Post added at 16:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

Ps im also waking at night with numb hands and in the morning too every single day

27-09-14, 16:52
The reassuring thing is that these are all symptoms of anxiety. They can also be symptoms of various benign stomach issues. I get some really uncomfortable chest and arm pains from trapped gas bubbles in my chest and such.

It would be worth visiting the doctor just for your own piece of mind, but at 39 and only a stone overweight there is no real reason why it should be a heart condition.

Have you had any cardiology work ups done in the past? ECG/echo/holter/stress test etc?

27-09-14, 17:39
The numb hands could be a trapped nerve.

I get numb arms and hands every day and it is caused by my bad posture apparently

27-09-14, 20:08
Hi thankyou for responding to my post it means alot. About 6 years ago i had an ecg done as i had chest pains and nothing came up . Im heavier now though ....

---------- Post added at 20:08 ---------- Previous post was at 20:06 ----------

Nicola...i wake up with numb hands ..

27-09-14, 20:14
You could be laying funny during the night or like me have a bad posture during the day

27-09-14, 20:39
I have woken in the middle of the night with palpitations and took my own pulse to find it racing. Then it would slow down, then speed up. I would feel sick and would have this feeling of impending doom and severe fear.I had a pain near my bicep which I was convinced was heart related.

Anxiety and stress was the reason. I know this because, I`ve been not too bad recently (I can`t even bring myself to say good such is my negative thinking).
I`ve slept better recently and had taken aspirin as I was thinking it would `thin my blood` and prevent any heart condition arising. All it did was exacerbate the riot that was stomach (again, due to stress and anxiety).

Seriously, you`re literally making yourself ill and giving yourself symptoms which you are confusing with another unlikely condition.

27-09-14, 21:50
Thing was i was in a deep sleep and obviously not stressed atall as i was sound asleep ....it woke me up...if it had been a tummy ache id not think it was an ulser but it was very painful. And un nerving which then fuels anxiety thinking im doomed. Somebody said if i woke with chest pains id be terrified which didnt help me atall

27-09-14, 21:54
Pepsi, often even when we're at our most calm there is an underlying, subconscious rumble of anxiety. Our anxious brains control our entire bodies, including our nervous system, heart, hormones etc. all of this continues when we're asleep.

28-09-14, 09:12
I didnt reolise that was the case as i have never spoken to anyone about anxiety. Last night though i woke went downstairs to let the cat it climbed the stairs and by the time id done that i could see my heart thumping in my chest took about 10 minutes for it to calm down .

28-09-14, 11:23
Unfortunately so, and if it helps at all my heart acts very much the same as yours. Sometimes I can spend an hour on an exercise bike and feel totally fine afterwards, but other times just walking up a flight of stairs will make me feel dreadful for a long time and I'll find it difficult to think of ANYTHING else.

Anxiety makes us so in tune with our bodies and sensations within them that even normal physical sensations can make us feel like something is wrong. People who don't suffer with anxiety often still have these sensations, but because they're not as in tune as we are they will either ignore them or barely notice them at all! It's unfair, haha!

30-09-14, 12:06
I didnt think of it like that x thankyou for your possitive spin on things