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View Full Version : Abdominal Twitch

27-09-14, 17:48
For the past 2 days I've had this really annoying twitch in my abdomen, about an inch above my belly button and slightly to the left. It's not painful and does come and go but it's a really strong twitch and looks like I've got a baby kicking inside me!...and seeing as I'm a bloke I think I can rule that one out!!

Of course I've had muscle twitches before in my arms, legs, eyelids etc but never in the centre of my abdomen. As usual my HA is in overdrive about it and coming up with all sorts of worst case scenarios!

Has anyone ever had this before??

27-09-14, 18:40
Yes! Me! It's actuwlly what kicked off my ha and so it makes me mad when I think back. Just don't Google it! It's good you came here first. It's totally normal. It's our pulse and can be linked to ibs too. Especially because once you're aware of it you can't stop thinking. Hope this helps :hugs:

27-09-14, 20:13
I have twitches everywhere they used to scare me they dont now as i have no other syptoms ....twitches can go anywhere it will go in time

Catherine S
27-09-14, 20:15
To be honest, its not likely to be your pulse as your pulse doesn't twitch, but its more likely to be a twitchy muscle, and I had this happening just a bit higher than yours last week for a few days on and off. Its as you said, the same kind of twitch you can get anywhere in your body, face, neck,feet...wherever, and nothing to worry about. Google will give you worst case scenario so don't go there...stay here instead, we are much more sensible :D


27-09-14, 20:17
Maybe it's not the pulse but I know mine was, the dr had me put my hand there and feel it with her which eased me somewhat. Although looking back, the unease I had was nothing compared to what I feel these days :doh:

But yep it could be a number of things. They're pretty normal! I can't stop seeing mine now but I figure it's cos I'm so tuned in.

Catherine S
27-09-14, 20:23
Your pulse is your heartbeat, so was your heartbeat irregular when it happened to you? Not sure this was what Taffy was meaning though, as he said it was to one side rather than where the pulse point actually is?


27-09-14, 20:34
Thanks for your replies. I don't think it's pulse related as it's definitely a twitch. It's being going mad for the past hour and it's getting me down. As I mentioned it's not painful, more annoying. Just wish I could stop catsrophising everything!

27-09-14, 20:34
It's hard to explain cause it's been about two months now but it's sort of above the belly button and depending on your body can look like the left or the right or the centre! It's so weird though, I just call it my alien these days. :)

Edit to add: it's totally fine, I hate the catastrophising so much too, silly brains. <3 It's the oddest thing though. My aunt also gets it with her ibs x

Catherine S
27-09-14, 20:41
Wsnos, if your heart isn't jumping around too, then its not your pulse just a muscle twitch lol! Taffy, its really annoying I know but really common. I've noticed my twitches haven't been so bad since taking magnesium every day though, especially the eye and lip twitches! Last week was the first for a long time to be honest and nothing this week thankfully :)


27-09-14, 20:51
I had an eye twitch for about 3 months earlier this year and it eventually went away. I didn't worry about that one so much because I know eye twitches are common. But I've never had a twitch in my abdomen before...not like this anyway! Thanks for your responses guys, I'll try not to worry to much.