View Full Version : Just a cold?

27-09-14, 20:22
Hello guys,

I've had a cold since yesterday. Stuffy nose and sore throat with phlegm. Today all day I've had forehead pain and my left cheek is sore because of my sinuses. But I keep getting this very on and off pain on the upper left side of my head, closer to the back. It's very sharp and worries me :( not sure if it's just a cold... Or what because I have brain tumour anxiety and usually get on and off head pains but this one feels stronger. I'm not sure if it's just my sinuses acting up or what :(

27-09-14, 20:35
Sounds like sinuses, or just a headache associated with colds.
Try steaming with hot water and olbas oil.

27-09-14, 21:55
Sounds very much like a sinus pressure headache to me, toots. I've had these many times before. Most unpleasant.

27-09-14, 22:40
Thank you both! :)

28-09-14, 00:10
Here in New England, there is also some nasty cold thing going around. My sinus hurt too, and I am free of any allergies. Maybe the change in the weather also?

30-09-14, 01:01
Definitely could be!
Thankfully I'm feeling better, hope you are too!

30-09-14, 01:30
Sinuses! I have this right now it's like a pinching stabbing pain!