View Full Version : Greetings.

LoveLost Dragoon
28-09-14, 01:34
So, Hey.

Where to start. Well my anxiety started during my second year of sixth form, 2010, and since then, the intensity of my anxiety have varied. For the most part, the bulk of my major issues ran from 2010 to around early 2012. My axniety takes the form of Health anxiety and more specifically, contamination anxiety. I have never slept well, even as a child, but this anxiety more or less induced Insomnia for several years and put a strain on relationships with my family, friends and long time partner.

Throughout this two year period i saw a Councillor, ran several courses of beta blockers and had various other medical assessments. By the time i started University in 2012, things had gotten a lot better and i no longer needed counseling or medication and all was seemingly well, not perfect but definitely improving.

Over the last couple of months my stress has been building and my anxiety has been becoming stronger and stronger and I've recently experienced several BIG panic attacks, which i haven't experienced for a couple of years now. I've decided to come to this forum after being directed here by a friend to see if it in anyway offers an outlet for some relief.

All the best.

28-09-14, 03:50
Hey there! I can totally relate to a lot of what you are saying. I, too, have contamination fears which then roll right into full blown health anxiety. I'm new here as well! :hugs:

LoveLost Dragoon
29-09-14, 01:11
Thanks for the reply, and its good to know theres people on here with similar issues. May i ask, what is it that triggers your contamination anxiety?

29-09-14, 23:22
Welcome! :)

30-09-14, 18:45
Welcome to NMP, I hope it is a good outlet for you. I wish you all the best.