View Full Version : Post Surgery Anxiety

28-09-14, 01:49
Hi everyone

Its been a big few weeks for myself, from discovering a lump in my neck the size of a hens egg a few months ago then having it tested, ( not cancer ) it was a 2nd Branchial cleft cyst, then it becoming infected about 6 weeks ago after a massage, then a ED visit due to infection and panic, as I panicked also they ran all the usual tests ( tests all fine ) , then to having it drained, to removed by surgeon, 2 hospital stays ( one to get rid of infection then for the surgery ) I still feel exhausted!

In hospital you feel safe, my Blood pressure and observations were text book perfect pre and post surgery apart from anxiety in the first instance.... Then stitches out, wound healing, I find myself somewhat mentally and physically drained. My anxiety is simmering, I'm over sensitive to physical things, noticing every change, sensation all that jazz. I've been getting those rushes of panic everyone now and then, I breathe, keep busy and take the odd valium.

I had a sinus infection last week over that now but was on antibiotics again, been on lots of medication pre and post surgery but just on my normal lexapro and valium when needed. I'm now obsessed with any illness I may get or have.

I'm emotional that summer is nearly here and the same fears and anxieties that greeted me this time last year are back, like an old friend that's unwanted I want to just lay in bed and sleep, I feel deflated. I know there are many others worse off, I can leave the house, I can socialize, I have a beautiful daughter, family and friends, money is always tight and is a struggle at the moment, medical bills add up even with private health insurance.

I see my shrink next week and also the surgeon for a post surgery follow up. I hope things settle down. Not just for me but for all of you here.


28-09-14, 11:26
I'd imagine that all of this is just a reaction to you being so run down, love. By the sounds of it you've had a LOT to deal with lately as far as physical stuff is concerned, which will only make your anxiety worse.

Try to just practice some self care in the coming weeks. Early nights, plenty of water and regular, balanced meals. Relax as much as possible but keep your brain distracted while you do so; read, watch your favourite shows or movies, go for gentle walks etc. Keep your brain occupied on other things and take it easy.

Hope you feel better soon, love :)

29-09-14, 22:55
Thank you for the reply. Yes I agree it's been a busy couple of months that's for sure!
As with everything I guess it takes time!. I did read somewhere that having a general anesthetic can knock you around a bit. I was under for nearly 2 hours apparently...

Thanks again

30-09-14, 11:05
I always feel dreadful for a few days after having general anesthetic :(