View Full Version : Brown Blood in Spit? Serious?

28-09-14, 02:17

I drank about 4 beers last night and 2 shots of whisky. In the middle of the night my throat was crazy dry. Like I dont know why, I have drank way more than this before but my mouth was totally dried out. To the point where I had a dream of choking on a rock and it woke me up.

Anyways it was so dry I could barely swallow. This morning I spit in the sink and noticed my spit was kinda brown. Looked like brown blood.

So now its the afternoon and I spit and I might have seen the brown stuff once or twice out of say 30 spits.

So at first I just pegged it down to my dry throat but then again I havent been checking my spit in the past. Could this be lung cancer or something? I do have rib cage pain on both sides the last few days too.

What do you guys think? It happens mainly with loogies when I kinda make that gross noise.

28-09-14, 03:54
It is probably from sleeping with your mouth open. Very dry air can irritate the throat/mouth and cause minor bleeding. It has happened to me a few times. As far as your ribs hurting-- probably unrelated.

28-09-14, 04:51
Id say it's dried beer!!! Ha ha

19-10-14, 20:17
Thanks guys. It went away eventually. But I have had a bad cough ever since. Hoping it will go away too.