View Full Version : Dizziness and off balance

28-09-14, 07:30
I haven't been on here for a long while as my anxiety has been really good(i.e. Under control). However I now feel terrible and it has come on so suddenly - sort of! For the last 4 weeks I've been getting spells of light headed ess, feeling off balance and nausea. Went to Drs after 2 weeks and he suggested a middle ear thing but just gave me anti nausea tablets as he wasn't sure.
(I had a suspected ear problem back in June where I kept almost passing out with the dizziness but after antibiotics and nasal spray and time it settled down).

Anyway the tablets didn't really help and a week and a half later I went back to Drs (different doctor). She said she didn't think it was an ear problem as it isn't spinning dizziness so suggested she ran blood tests and an ECG. I hadn't noticed any heart issues and I'm pretty sure that I would!!!

Anyway since then I've dived into full blown anxiety mode and now feel constantly awful. Really dizzy, the kind where you feel drunk, cold sweats occasionally and really tearful. The dizziness, nausea and off balance feeling is so real (even when I'm in bed). I went to a walk in centre yesterday but they couldn't find anything either and said to wait for blood results (mid next week).

I just don't feel like I can function and I have two young children. Amyone think this could be inner ear problems (can they see that by looking in your ear)? Or is this something worse? Or just severe panic/anxiety mode?

Help I feel so awful I feel like taking myself to A&E but don't want to be sent away again with no explanation!

Thank you

Female healthanxiety
28-09-14, 14:59
Hello Emloo

I really do feel for you!

Please take a look at my posts- my most latest one below


I too have been suffering, nearly coming up to 8 weeks; has been so bad I lost my job and I cannot do daily things.

It's good you have had all the primary tests - maybe you are lacking in something. I too had the full blood test and the only think I was lacking in was folic acid - but this wouldn't cause the dizziness.

I too can emphasis with all your symptoms, I too have the drink feeling, drink eyes, feels worse when I stop and walk.


28-09-14, 18:27
I had something similar recently. I felt off balance like I was floating and it was exhausting. I went and saw my ENT and it was a sinus infection. I didn't even have drainage just the dizziness and some facial pressure. A 10 day course of antibiotics took care of it. Feel better!!

28-09-14, 21:35
Thank you for your replies.

I have felt a little bit better today as last night I was almost convinced I was dying, I felt so bad.
Have still had dizzy bouts today and feeling like I need to hold on to a wall or something, also feels like my head is too heavy for my body!
However it does keep coming and going so I'm not convinced its getting better yet. Will go for ECG tomorrow and hopefully get blood results back which may point to something.

The dizziness is just so debilitating, its really impossible to function properly.
I also really enjoy exercise as I feel it helps me to stay sane (most of the time) but I just can't do any while I feel like this. :wacko:

28-09-14, 22:10
You may have a deficiency or thyroid problem at least when you get your blood results and ECG results you will know for sure or not that its just anxiety!

30-09-14, 03:03
I know exactly how you feel, like I said I just went through this a few weeks ago. It took a good 2 weeks for it to go away, by the second week I was feeling a little better every few days. Hang in there! Prayers for being back to normal soon!!!

30-09-14, 10:07
Doctors again yesterday for ECG which I assume was fine as nothing was mentioned about it! Blood results all ok other than slightly low white cell count. Will try not to get into a panic about that as have had it before and it sorted itself out - can happen if body is fighting an infection.

Anyway I came away with anti nausea and dizziness pills, some diazepam to calm me down (definitely needed although I've never had these before - been on sertraline a couple of times in the past). She also gave me some antibiotics in case it is a sinus problem (as have had some discomfort in that area and would fit with the low white cells fighting an infection) and a nasal spray.

So fully medicated up and I hope it solves the problem. Dizziness is a horrible thing because you can't get on with life at all. It's my son's 8th birthday in less than 2 weeks and I haven't sorted anything out. That's when I hate the anxiety - when it totally takes over your life and everything else gets neglected. I think that just makes us feel even more terrible which feeds the anxiety.

Anyway hopefully some of the meds should help. Xxx