View Full Version : acid reflux/anxiety misery

28-09-14, 15:56
Hi guys
I've posted on here several times about this topic and how i'm really struggling to overcome this. I'm having a bad day
My GP has said my constant sore throat is caused by acid caused by stress/anxiety. I'm miserable at the moment and just have had enough.
I'm on 40mg omeprazole and 10mg citalopram and have been for the last 3 weeks but it's not working at all. I've not been eating any fat/toms etc all the triggers and believe me I've done my research!!
I even get it when I've eaten an apple/banana/toast etc. I've also cut dairy out of my diet to see if that will help but it seems that whatever I eat I get this sore throat.

I'm due to have a blood test Tues for H Poyorli (sp!) and then pop back to my GP a week later. I'm pretty scared now as nothing seems to be working. I've tried natural remedies like Manuka Honey,drinking herbal teas etc.

I'm even going to see an lady re Homeopathic medicine tomorrow

I've lost a stone over the last 4/5 months this has been happening, again my GP is not concerned as he said my diet has changed.

Has anyone else suffered with this problem for so long.

28-09-14, 16:40
That's probably why you have lost the weight- because of your diet.
I think the blood test you are having will rule out if you have a stomach ulcer
or not. I am no expert. Just my opinion.
Good Luck. let us know how you go on

28-09-14, 17:51
Hi mags
First of all I'm sorry to hear of your suffering.. I am currently suffering with exactly the same thing. I was on 20 mg omeprazole and I found it awful. I went down to 10 mg but it really doesn't agree with me.. Ive cut out all juices and soft drinks to my diet. Im going to have the H Poyorli test soon as well as going to doctor to demand to be sent to a specialist.. Let me know if you ever need to talk on here as it seems we are both going through the same nightmare!!! :(