View Full Version : really need some suport

28-09-14, 17:57
Guys i know you are proberbly going to say i put it apon myself but...last night i went round my familys house and had quite a bit to drink.didnt goto bed until 2.30am woke at 7am.all day i am on very high anxiety and depression.please dont tell me off just need some kind of reasurance .

28-09-14, 18:09
hi there! it's quite understandable why you have high anxiety today. You drank a bit too much and barely slept. It's okay! Take the rest of the day to yourself; take a nice bath, go to sleep early, and drink plenty of water.

28-09-14, 18:13
Nothing interests me MM...everything in my life feels so much worse today..i feel cold and cant relax or think any good thoughts,iv spent the whole bloody day talking to myself in my head,all my problems and fears are so heavy today,wish i could just calm down and focus,,,

---------- Post added at 17:13 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ----------

Might take a sleeping pill and goto bed at 9

28-09-14, 18:19
I definitely have those days more often than not. The goal is try to distract yourself and get out of your head. Maybe do some chores, go out, watch TV, sing to music, maybe talk to a friend, explorer the internet. I don't have much that interests me, especially during those days, but finding a way to keep busy is a great start.

28-09-14, 19:08
Greg you know that it is a mixture of alcohol and lack of sleep making you feel so much worse today. Make sure you have a good meal and like MM said, drink plenty of water to flush the toxins out of your body. Have a relaxing bath and get to bed early. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. :hugs::hugs:

28-09-14, 19:20
Nobody will say 'I told you so' just take this as a lesson learnt. Get some water down you, have something to eat, have a bath, watch easy TV and have an early night. I'm not sure if taking a sleeping tablet would be necessary, you'll probably sleep well without it.

28-09-14, 20:23
Thankyou guys ill take the advice.im def having sleeping pill tho,im to stressed to piecfuly drift off to sleep.if i can get a good 7-8 hrs sleep i might be ok tom.

28-09-14, 21:21
Make sure you have some sugar too.

28-09-14, 22:28
Your post is interesting to me Greg.

you already know what people might say... As in perhaps say not to drink, have late nights bla bla bla.... Because u DO already know.... It'll leave you tired and drained. So yeah we can skip that bit .....

I can relate to you wanting support. And reassurance.
You've seen your family. Sometimes when I see mine, it's unsettling.

Perhaps that's it for you too. Seeing them does unsettle you?

Happens alot I am afraid, people finding that visiting family sets all sorts of things off in their mind.

But u have been doing great recently. This is something you can move on from and get back into your routine.you CAN do that.

By the way, how's your new place working out?

29-09-14, 00:03
Did you manage to get the flat you were interested in or did it all fall through?

29-09-14, 11:47
guys i was refused that flat because it was sheltere accomidation and i didnt meet the criteria to live there.my needs were not great enough.but this week i will be looking at a council flat of which there will be no criteria to meet.so if i like it then its mine.but iv had a sneek look and looks like theres quite a bit of work to do inside so really hope they are going to fix it all first otherwise the cost wil be to high for me to pay out for

29-09-14, 14:01
How're you feeling today, Greg ?

29-09-14, 15:30
Hi cloud.thanks for asking.well had sleeping pill went to bed at 9.30 last night.woke about 7.30 ish.dont feel as bad as yesterday but still got bad anxiety and worrys that i just cant shake off.very anxious about getting my own flat this week if i like it when i veiw it.so much to do to move into it.carpet furniture etc.very stressful.and just generaly worried all day and night for know reason.wish i could turn it all off for a couple of hrs

29-09-14, 17:16
Don't be put off with it needing a bit of doing up in the inside, that is normal. You may be able to get help with the costs of carpeting and furnishing the flat if you have no money you can get these things for nothing just for the effort of applying to the right people for it.

29-09-14, 18:11
Greg try to look beyond getting the house set up...look to how much better it will be when it is all sorted and you are settled. My son lives in Hertfordshire and when he got his new house he looked on freecycle and got some lovely furniture for it.

29-09-14, 18:38
I know you are right annie.im trying to see the bigger picture.just wish i could look forward to it like i should be

29-09-14, 21:12
Oh no, Greg I didn't realise u didnt get the flat.... Really sorry to hear that.
But u keep hanging in there. Day by day, try to do things that help you through.

30-09-14, 13:36
Im trying Tessa.iv had months of letdowns and stress.getting really tired of it all tho..just been told by the doctor i have a very high hemoglobin level.not even sure what that meens.got to have more blood test this week.

30-09-14, 20:19
Hey Greg ... U have had so many ups and downs I think u r dong well not to totally crumble. It must be so hard to stay positive but that's why I encourage u to keep at it. Not helped though by yr blood being a bit off either, poor u. Sending hugs. Oh and no googling ya hear? Your doc can explain all that needs explaining if needs be?

01-10-14, 10:37
Thanks tessar.i dont know how iv got through it all.but today i feel i, ready to give up.had enough of my crappy life.never waking to a positive feeling.never smile no happy thoughts.feel totaly lost and down.no job no friends no girlfriend.no one to share my day with no one to cuddle up to.no one to hold hands with no chance of a family holiday,the list goes on.i really wish i could goto sleep and have a reason to wake up in the mornings.i wish i would goto sleep and not wake up again.iv had it with this life.

01-10-14, 12:49
Don't say that Greg. We all have these feelings sometimes.
sending you:hugs::hugs:xx Stay positive Greg xx

01-10-14, 13:57
Thanks magic.cant help it.i suffered anxiety and depression for years before this 18 month bout that is worse than ever.feel so lonely and isolated all the time.just wish i had a family to live with,im about to live on my own when i get this flat.there going to offer me this week.if i take it thats it.on my own even more isolated.:weep:

01-10-14, 15:34
Hi Greg. No easy answer to the things you say. Relationships, family, responsibilities... all come with their own problems and pressures. Feeling isolated is also painful but you are still free to live life day by day in the way you want. You are also free to meet new people and to have relationships. So never write yourself off. You have a right to all those things...

01-10-14, 20:38
Don't give up, Greg, I won't let you. People can rebuild their lives it can happen.
Please stick at it :-) those things that you are yearning for, they can be try again.
If you chip away, bit by bit..... You can get there. I'd give you a real hug if I could but meanwhile I hope these help......:hugs: :bighug1:

01-10-14, 21:21
Greg, you will be on your own in the flat but maybe that is a good thing for now as you have been sharing with others for some time now and it will be good for you to have your own space where you can get into your own routine. Plan to do something to help you meet others...a college course, or maybe pop along to MIND to see what activities they have to involve you in. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

01-10-14, 22:36
Ahh thanks tessa wish i could get a real hug off someone and be told everything is going to be alright.maybe thats what i need.it would help havnt had one for many months now.annie im trying to see that you are right about being on my own in my own place etc.but to be honest i think i like people around to a certain amount,some company of some kind..ohh i duno,just cant see what i really want or need,just cant seem to think straight and see clear.i guess time will tell once im in there.

01-10-14, 22:55
Moving is a stressful time and you have had an awful lot of moves in the last 2 years. You are bound to be apprehensive about this next move. Try to see it as a positive and give yourself chance to settle. Big hug x

02-10-14, 09:26
thanks for yoour support annie.ill try my best.x

02-10-14, 09:33
chin up Greg Tessar is right there is always hope,im going through a very rough patch at the moment but trying to remain positive
I am sure your own roof over your head will be a good thing in the long term

02-10-14, 13:42
Thanks Andy.sorry to hear you not doing well.for me its a massive change and huge amounts to do and organize.plus the thought of being on my own and still living on the bread line only just scraping through.my finances are so silly leaving me with nothing.my parents are so happy for me to get this flat and are doing everything they can to help mr.but all i want to do is fall apart and cry in there arms and tell them im not doing well and feel mentaly unwell and not as happy as they think i am.i wish i had someone to cry to.im so sad and lonley.