View Full Version : Swallowed foil from a kit kat

28-09-14, 18:53
Guys I was in a rush to get out of the door earlier and instead of unwrapping the foil on a kit kat I broke it in two and stuffed the kit kat in my mouth as I was driving I realized I had bits of foil in my mouth now I'm worried I have swallowed some, will I be ok :((
I know I should not have been a greedy cow and unwrapped the foil first like most people but I was rushing now I'm not sure if I have ingested it!
I'm now worried sick that this will cause me problems !
Thanks in advance !!

28-09-14, 19:06
It won't do you any harm at all

28-09-14, 19:09
Thank you Nicola ;)

28-09-14, 19:09
Perfectly fine, it will find its way out again in the next couple of days :D

28-09-14, 19:49
Aw thank you Annie
Much appreciated as I've been worrying!!!!

28-09-14, 20:38
No worries... and no threads worrying about silver bits in your poo! ;)

Positive thoughts

28-09-14, 20:58
This made me remember something! Years ago my parents went to a Chinese buffet and my dad had a spring roll. What he didn't notice was that the spring rolls were wrapped in cling film and didn't find out until he saw another man on a nearby table unwrap his own spring rolls! If my dad managed to accidently eat two spring roll-sized amounts of cling film then you've got nothing to worry about swallowing a tiny piece of foil!
Nowadays we always joke that the cling film came out 'pre-wrapped' whenever it's brought up in conversation!

I apologise in advance if anybody was eating whilst reading this!:whistles:

29-09-14, 01:33
My son has eaten many wrappers. No worries it's fine!

29-09-14, 10:06
You will be fine.

I once ate a starbrust sweet or similar forgot to take off the paper and I was fine.

29-09-14, 19:35
Aw thank you everybody for your kind reassuring and funny advice, I feel much better now I really appreciate you all taking time out to make me feel Better, healing hugs to us all :)