View Full Version : I'm worried that i have caught something from a bar toilet

28-09-14, 19:22
I got really drunk last night and I spent half an hour in the dirtiest toilet because I felt sick. I didn't care at the time. I'm nit sure if my mouth hit the toilets but when I wiped my mouth this morning there was red stuff, I'm sure there was no blood there, I could have been vomit though or maybe salsa sauce. I'm worried about hiv or herpes, I'm too scared to get checked. Am I overreacting?

28-09-14, 20:34
I got really drunk last night and I spent half an hour in the dirtiest toilet because I felt sick. I didn't care at the time. I'm nit sure if my mouth hit the toilets but when I wiped my mouth this morning there was red stuff, I'm sure there was no blood there, I could have been vomit though or maybe salsa sauce. I'm worried about hiv or herpes, I'm too scared to get checked. Am I overreacting?

So you were kissing the Porcelain Queen eh? That's what you get for your debauchery! ;) You cannot... I repeat CANNOT get HIV or HSV from a toilet!

Positive thoughts

29-09-14, 10:40
I worry about stuff like this all the time using public toilets - believe me I have used some grim ones on nights out before ;)

29-09-14, 14:51
I always wipe them down before I use any public toilets you don't know who's peed on the seat, and I'm no just talking about us men either....