View Full Version : Grinding teeth?

28-09-14, 19:48
I have a major problem with grinding my teeth. I know it's a terrible thing and that it can cause bad issues in the future so I really want to stop now.

I'm going to get a mouth guard to wear at night, but I honestly don't think I do it so much at night. I know I do it a LOT during the day, but it's always very unconsciously. And when I do become aware of it, it makes me apprehensive which just makes me want to do it more!

I've been thinking about getting some candies I can suck on to keep with me so I can give my mouth something else to do. However, there are some times when my jaw feels...tense, I guess is the best way to describe it...and I feel like I just need really badly to chew on something. I've thought about having gum available as well. But I've been wondering - is that okay or could chewing gum too often cause some of the same problems as grinding (namely, TMJ)?

28-09-14, 21:45

I can relate fully to this, i have grinded my teeth for over 8 years now. Unfortunatly it is a viscous circle as it is very difficult to break as it becomes habitual. What needs to happen is the break in the cycle. Not something that can happen over night

I only grinded my teeth at night and sometimes would wake myself up in the middle of the night after hearing my 2 front teeth shooting away from the bottom teeth where i had created so much pressure pushing one set against the other eventally something had to give. I got a grind guard from my dentist made up and used that for about 5 years. Only recently i have stopped using my guard and as far as i am aware i am not grinding anymore (i almost went cold turkey on it) i had been awaya nd when i came back i realised that eve i had left my guard at the place we stayed so that night i just had to hope it would be ok and it was and i havent used it since.

The fact you are grinding during the day may have to be dealt with in a completely different manner but a guard will certainly be a starting point

29-09-14, 04:09
Perhaps the solution lies in relaxation techniques as grinding tends to be because you are feeling anxious or tense. You could try something like Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) or perhaps there is one that involves the muscles around the jaw?