View Full Version : are my symptoms being caused by a brief case of anxiety?

29-09-14, 02:18
About a year ago I had a bad case of acute anxiety that lasted about 3 weeks. i took a short course of vallium on lowest possible dose until the anxiety resolved.
about a month after (with no anxiety) i started getting strange symptoms that wont go away:
1. bouts of nausea that come on without explanation. these can last days to weeks
2. dizziness that feels like vertigo, although its not severe. like the nausea this can last days to weeks and not neccessarily occur with the nausea
3. chronic constipation
4. constant tinnitus/ringing in both ears (no hearing loss)
5. head throbbing - its as if i can feel the blood vessels pumping in my head. this is always there, but its not painful

ive had mri's, blood tests and visited all sorts of specialists and doctors with no help. they all say i have anxiety but i havent felt anxious since the episode over a year ago!

my question is, has anyone who has recovered from anxiety had persistent physical symptoms related to anxiety that wont go away? im not denying anxiety has no physical symptoms but is it common for these physical symtoms to stay around for years, or forever even!?

29-09-14, 21:07
I'd trust the experts.

I had horrendous balance and light headedness a long long time after my anxiety dropped right down. I couldn't understand it. It's gone now.