View Full Version : Am in a panic - using someone elses toothbrush worry...

29-09-14, 10:32
Hello, I am in a complete panic. My son accidentally used my toothbrush this morning, I don't think this is the first time he's done it either. He is often half asleep first thing and a bit scatty with things like this.

My fear is that I have all kinds of diseases ie HIV, hepatitis etc. I know I probably don't but just suppose I do - what is the likelyhood that he will catch something like this from using my toothbrush? I'm too scared to google.

Now not sure what to do and having a bit of a panic attack.

Can anyone help at all?...thanks x

29-09-14, 11:38
Dear Crystal, I would say you have nothing to worry about. Even if you had HIV (which rationally you KNOW you don't, even if the fear is there), it would have had to have fresh blood from you, only a minute or two old, on the brush to be a potential risk to your son. HIV is very difficult to catch and the virus only survives a matter of minutes outside the body. Best wishes, Annie

29-09-14, 11:44
Thank you SO much for replying Annie, it means a lot to me!

I've calmed down a bit now, it just horrified me when I saw him doing that this morning as I couldn't even explain to him why I was worried so just grabbed it and threw it away! I have these horrible feelings that there are all sorts of vile things living in my body and I would die if I thought that had affected my precious boy :(

Once again, thanks for your words.

29-09-14, 11:58
I know how you feel, Crystal I am still a bit of a 'lioness' when it comes to protecting my son and he is 39!! When he visits, he thinks I am mad, with the lengths (OK, some would call it irrational obsessions :)) I go to to ensure his health and wellbeing while he is under my roof. I have had that toothbrush scenario in various forms over the years, too, without it ever resulting in any form of illness. It is just your natural maternal instinct to protect your boy - but rest assured he is in no danger from you, even if the What-If demons would have you think otherwise. Hugs from Annie :hugs:

29-09-14, 12:37
Oh man once I had a really big freak out when I thought my mum had used my tooth brush. I remember spazzing to a friend who was like, I share a toothbrush with my girlfriend sometimes and it's fine. So I'm sure everything is all good but I definitely understand :hugs:

29-09-14, 13:23
This child grew in your body, in your body fluids and came out of you and he's healthy. How can he get something you don't have?... that's HA for you. I can't tell you how many times I've used my wife's toothbrush and visa versa.

And the thing is, most people use a toothbrush way longer than we should. It's typically one of the nastiest things in our bathroom and we don't get ill from it.

Positive thoughts

29-09-14, 19:24
Thank you all, the replies are fantastic and I do feel reassured :hugs:

It's good to hear some people have also had similar worries, and Annie, I feel your pain about your son. I worry about him constantly, he will be a teenager before long and I am scared to let him grow up. I hope you are able to manage your anxieties, I know how they can take over.

@fishmanpa I know you're right but what worries me is stuff I've done after he's been born which may have infected me and harmed him - if that was the case I would die inside :weep:

Thanks again all :hugs:

30-09-14, 00:45
If it's any consolation ... Me and my friends always use each other's toothbrushes (where abit scruffy like that) and we have yet to catch diseases from it. What your feeling is the health anxiety doing a number on you. Your not going to give your son a disease from your tooth brush or from any other avenue. X

30-09-14, 22:39
Thank you Sarah x I have tried to forget about it today and put it out of my mind - and its good to know that other people have done this too!

I also have OCD (I think) and this is part of it, I worry about him using towels that I have and cutlery etc and try to avoid it if possible.

01-10-14, 12:53
There are only two living in our house. I know for a fact that we get mixed up with our toothbrushes as I have a mug full. Must get them sorted and buy new ones!!

01-10-14, 21:43
Ah Magic it seems like this is a common occurence then! Lol. Maybe we should all label them??!

01-10-14, 22:47
Can't catch HIV from a tooth brush

02-10-14, 11:19
Having a clear out today of toothbrushes. Six tooth brushes upstairs. Just counted them. Having new ones tomorrow I pink -one blue and a spare just in case.
I have to tackle downstairs tooth brushes another time.
I might have scrubbed round the taps with some of them AH WELL!
or the toilet come to think of it.:lac: