View Full Version : Inner Ear Twitching

29-09-14, 14:58
OK so I am a twitchy person, I get muscle twitches here and there, all through out my body. I even had an eyelid twitch that came and went for almost 2 months! I am going to see a Neurologist about it because I have myself freaked out that this is some nerve disorder....

In the meantime, for the past month, I've had off and on inner ear "twitching." its the weirdest thing, its like a spasm inside my ear, I can't see it but I can hear it. It does NOT go to my pulse (sometimes faster, sometimes slower), does not cause pain and there is NO hearing loss. I am going to see an ENT tomorrow about it because it is driving me insane and has me totally worried.

Anyone else ever have anything like it? I am almost positive its not Tinnitus as the symptoms do not match up. From what I have been reading, the inner ear has muscles that can spasm and twitch or it can be a tube dysfunction and the tubes can open and close.

All I know is its freaking me the hell out!!!!! Of course I google.... :scared15:

29-09-14, 15:21
You are quite right, these probably are caused by a nerve disorder. The only cause of twitching all over that I know of is BFS, which is indeed a disorder of the peripheral nerves. The good news is it's completely and entirely benign, and very strongly related to stress/anxiety.

When your anxiety calms down, the symptoms will follow.

I had a very stressful few years, and started getting these symptoms and more. Of course I managed to convince myself I had all manner of things, with the help of numerous very bad locum GPs I might add. Today I've got the letter through with all my test results and the diagnosis of BFS. I'm over the moon! :D

See www.aboutbfs.com. It's nothing more than a health anxiety forum where everyone has these symptoms. ;)

29-09-14, 15:53
Thank you! I am going to check it out. I can't get in to see my doc for 2 more weeks and its driving me insane, of course google will throw up everything we don't need to see. I try to stay off of google but at times, its so hard.

Did they freak you out badly at first as well?

29-09-14, 16:59
Well I had far more severe symptoms and I was investigated for some pretty scary stuff. The problem is whilst GPs are pretty good at ruling out the very serious neuro stuff, they're rubbish at diagnosing the hundreds of boring, benign neurological conditions.

I found this thread incredibly useful!


29-09-14, 18:51
Thank you, I am checking it out now!!! The whole ear thing has me baffled and not only freaking out but a but pissed too...

29-09-14, 23:22
Hi. I had this and it lasted a few months. It was like a thumping in my left ear but not in time with my heartbeat. I went to see an ent doctor and he diagnosed tensor tympani syndrome which is basically a twitch in the ear muscle. He said it often goes away but if it is very distressing they can snip the muscle.

01-10-14, 18:02
Did it end up going away on its own?

01-10-14, 21:09
I get this sometimes and for me it's a really fast vibration in my left eardrum. Like machine gun fire. Doesn't usually last that long but I was a bit concerned tho I read somewhere it's just the same as a twitch under your eye for instance. So nothing to be worried about.

02-10-14, 17:51
That is what my ENT said, that a muscle relaxer may help. Thank you :)

02-10-14, 20:21
I've had this for about 2 years!...it comes and goes. It's sounds like a clicking in my left ear and when it first started it worried me a lot and drove me nuts. I've never had it checked out and after the time I've had it if it was anything sinister then I'd been having more problems by now. So as previously mentioned it must be another annoying symptom of stress / anxiety....