View Full Version : how do i cope with this......

29-12-06, 19:44
Hello, me again, had a terrible day and just wondered what you thought about this idea. With PTSD you are supposed to get flash backs, well the closest feelings that i can relate to how i'm feeling at the moment are the feelings that i had when i was on the operating table. Sheer terror, i was going to die and that was that, get me OFF and let me run sort of thing, but of course i could'nt. I'm having real problems in trying to understand and put into words the way that i am feeling, today is worse than ever. But can't describe how i feel, my BP and pulse are normal and have been all day but my body if going through something horrendous and i can't stop it at all. I've been to work and even though i don't feel though i have because of the unreality, i KNOW i've been and the feelings still didn't stop even though i was busy, i haven't felt this bad for a long time. Normally i get a break a bit from it but today it's been constant. I don't know what to do, just want to cry but it doesn't make me feel any better. My body is having the panic, despair, hoplessness, fear, anxiey unreality, can't cope, etc, etc, but no physical symptoms except shaking. Perhaps my mind is running through the events of that fateful 'operation' day as a sort of flashback and my body is now too tired to keep up anymore. I just don't know, any advice please, i've really had enough of feeling like this with no escape, you can't run from yourself can you? Want to put my head through a wall and see if that helps. Like my mind is just screaming!!! Can anyone relate with this, any advice please i'm at my wits end now. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

31-12-06, 14:30
Saturday was a little better although it was still there and today is still a little bit better. I'm worried now though as i've got a gig tonight for New Year, i do disco and karaoke and have done for 14 years, the whole family do it so we will all be there. The last gig we did was for xmas and it went ok but my pulse was high all the way through, although i was busy. Went back down when i got home, normal i know. But i used to love doing them and i would have a drink as well, LOVED IT, but not anymore and now i'm too scared to have a drink because of my pulse and ectopics. I know i do not have to have a drink tonight and i will probably survive the night but it still frightens me. I used to think the worse thing in the world that could ever happen to me was to have a nose bleed, i have had a severe phobia of that all my life, but now i'm suffering for ANYTHING at all it seems. Should i bite the bullet and throw myself in and have a drink or just cope as best i can with the night? Any advice please. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

31-12-06, 14:35

There is no reason why you can't drink with the ectopics. Remember they are not serious and won't kill you.

Have you read these posts atall..

Ectopics – doc reassured
Been to doc's about ectopics (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8316)
Heart Results - ectopics and dizzyness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8474)


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

01-01-07, 21:18
Well, i did survive, still here unfortunatly! I did have two bailey's and i managed even though it only got until 9pm, we had to work until 1am, and i thought 'how am i going to cope until then?'. But i did, i had a few ectopics though unfortunatly. And had some unreality. Haven't been too bad today but the unreality has kicked in even more and i've had lots of ectopics today as well. Can't even think that i've got to go to work tomorrow, don't know how i'm going to do it, especially since i had such a terrible day last Friday. I've really had enough. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!