View Full Version : How do you know what is real and what is anxiety?

29-09-14, 20:15
Hi all,

I have had HA for nearly 2 years now resulting from postnatal depression which manifested itself into this. I went through cancer with my ex partner who get it so young (21) which also had a massive impact on me. Just to add he is cured now after 5 years in remission.
Ok so I got it under control after 6months of having it and since then it's been there but most of the time I can manage the symptoms and can tell myself they aren't real. However I am relapsing again and going down hill traumatically.

I just wanted to know how do you deal with what's real and what's not as my concern as like most is that if I do keep telling myself it's not real then after a while when it doesn't go I will have stage 4 cancer and be on deaths door.

Ie my current symptoms include headaches, lightheaded ness, feeling just generally unwell, pressure in my abdominal and pain where my belly button is which travels right sometimes, (doctor said maybe grumbling appendix). I feel sick most of the time and feel bloated after I eat. And the pain in my lower back is awful and crippling after a bowel movement. This is normal HA stuff isn't it? But why do I keep telling myself what if I don't get it checked........

I just wanted to know what helps you with distinguishing real from reality and any coping mechanisms you may have learnt as you go along, if any?

29-09-14, 20:30
I guess ultimately you have to trust your doctors and your deep down instincts....... if you feel you need to go to the doctors then go, but then trust what they say to you.

(from a non HA sufferer)

29-09-14, 23:01
How long have you had these symptoms?
thats usually what I base it off. If they last more than a 1-2 weeks I see a doctor if not I'm in the clear.

---------- Post added at 16:01 ---------- Previous post was at 15:58 ----------

And remember the mind is very powerful.
Your body has enough energy to blow up the world TWICE. Fun science fact there.
SO imagine if you put all your mental energy towards worrying about cancer or illness, guess what will happen? Its all about the law of attraction. You attract what you put energy towards. If you put all your energy towards bad things and worry that is what will happen.
So sometime when I worry, instead of thinking about what I dont want to happen I think of what I want to happen.
Instead of "I think I have a kidney infection" I think "I want a succesful career" and I picture it in my head. Put your energy towards something more worth your time because you deserve it. Its easier said than done but takes practice

29-09-14, 23:06
Hi Lozzie,
Try to seperate yourself from your anxius thinking. Be aware that when you worry it is anxious thoughts and not truth. So try to laugh them off. You know deep down that the thoughts are not true. The problem is that when you think them you feel anxious, get physical symptoms etc so they seem very believable.
So next time you think them try to laugh at them. Just as you would at a salesman who was trying to well you something silly, like a glove for eating ice-cream!! :)

30-09-14, 00:55
This is very true. My Mother is living proof of this. She was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer, but was not told. She never knew. She is still living 45 years on and is in good health. So, I think the Mind plays a huge role in your well-being. :)

30-09-14, 09:14
All your symptoms are real: anxiety is a real illness which has real symptoms - they're not imagined! The question is the causation. My therapist says the general rule of thumb is symptoms that come and go are almost always anxiety. Symptoms that hang around are still probably anxiety but are worth getting checked out if they persist. :)

30-09-14, 09:19

I think the physical emotional and mental symptoms are real, But what is not real is how we think about them. We see them as scary and they can feel very scary. But they have never harmed us and they never will.

Just think about it; when we do exercise we get palpitations, we sweat, we may feel tense. When we are working hard we may get a headache, etc. Yet in these instances we do not worry about the symptoms.

Yet when we get the same symptoms in other situation ie because of anxiety we feel very anxious. I am slowly starting to see things like this and not place so much importance on how I feel but to carry on my day and it helps a lot!

