View Full Version : Phases of high and low anxiety?

29-09-14, 20:33
Does anyone go through phases of there anxiety being really high? Then no noticeable and mediocre?

I normally do not have panic attacks unless something has set me off say getting on a plane! Getting horrendous chest pain! Ect.

I've had really high anxiety every night for the past week causing chest pain/pressure/arm pain obviously the health anxiety screams heart attack! So you panic more. But I'm not normally like this. I can go for ages not feeling anxious but recently I've felt really anxious and that horrid scared feeling you get in your tummy everyday.

So yeah. Does anyone find it's up and down? Just when you think it's getting better bam it's back and worse than ever!

29-09-14, 23:11
Hey, for what I know its because of triedness. The more tired I am and overworked etc then the worse it becomes. However when I eat well, have a laugh with mates, and am not working much its less.
So if I were you Id try and eat and sleep well. And also try to be easy on myself!