View Full Version : Just Looking Advice And Concerns To Be Addressed

little kyle
29-09-14, 21:31
Hi Again This is not the first and will not be the last i'm guessing anyway.

Got to wait 21 weeks for CBT which ovo i cant wait for.... I think i am suffering from OCD mainly due To i'm doubting myself and have alot of false memory's about self harm mainly Overdosing which then kicks my panic attacks out of control .....

I have addressed to myself that i am not that kind of person i love life....

It mainly starts when i see tablets or know when there is tablets in a room.... i start getting like false memory's its like its real that i have done something at that point i start to question myself Doubting myself thinking i have done something.....

I am not suicidal at all.....

People anyone in this forum i'm asking for a hand a hand to guidance a starting put... Im getting to the put im not trusting myself around tablets... i need family with me all the time which can be time concerning for my family who have there own problem's

30-09-14, 16:20
little kyle, please don't freak out. you are experiencing classic OCD symptoms. You obsess over "whether or not" you could actually use those pills, but it goes against your beliefs so much that you panic.

my therapist once told me, if there was an emergency situation ever in my town, the first people I would go to would be my OCD patients, because they're some of the most resilient and reasonable people.

remember, your OCD thoughts are symptoms, learn to understand and accept that. like itchy eyes if you had allergies, thoughts are automatic symptoms of OCD, nothing more, nothing less.

read my post from another thread to learn more.


sorry, i didnt feel like re-typing and information gets lost in this forum.