View Full Version : Not again ... :( blood

30-09-14, 02:59
Went toilet this morning and wiped and there was bright red blood on the toilet paper. This has happened a few times over the last 6 months now and I am panicking.

I know as a rule that bright red blood doesn't mean anything bad but still I am afraid.

I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and explained this and she said this herself, but shouldn't I be worried it keeps happening?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

30-09-14, 04:08
Im in the same boat!!! It sucks and its scary. It happens to sooooo many people. Sometimes its from wiping too hard. Sometimes its from pushing too hard. Some people have fishers (probably completely mispronounced/spelled that) or an inner cut (not a big deal) . Trust it happens a lot to many people. Is it a lot or a little?

30-09-14, 07:14
Puzzledlass, this happened to me 3 weeks ago tomorrow and my body has been out of sync since! I'm unsure if it's related or it's because my HA is so bad. I have a consultation with a Gastroentorologist tomorrow through BUPA as I just can't let it lie. When I told my GP about the blood he arranged for me to have a sigmoidoscopy just to rule anything bad out, hence why I have a consultation tomorrow. If you're worried please get it checked out. Piles are very common and you're right if it's bright red it's a lot better than dark red or black but put your mind at risk as ask for a procedure x

30-09-14, 09:01
Wiping blood could mean a few things - the most obvious being piles (if they are internal, you won't be able to see them) or a small tear (fissure).

If it's only happened periodically over 6 months, I'm sure it's one of the above.

I have Crohn's disease and in a flare, I lose weight, am on the toilet 20 times a day and the blood is in the toilet and not just wiping.

Please try not to worry - I'm absolutely certain it's nothing serious.

30-09-14, 11:02
This has just happened to me, its happened a few times before im pretty sure i have a tear as it hurts when i go. Its bright red blood on the tissue when i wipe, the doc also said i have internal hemmoriods but of course i think the worst, it hasnt happened for a while until 2day, my diet is really poor and suffer with ibs x

30-09-14, 11:10
It happened again this afternoon at work and I freaked out, I didn't go poos this time I just went wees and wiped the back as I normally do. There was more bright blood!

---------- Post added at 23:10 ---------- Previous post was at 23:06 ----------

I have seen doc a few times about this, more than one doc too, they don't seem worried and say it is most likely a tear. My age (30) and no family history adds to this.

I went to after hours tonight and she wasn't worried but said maybe I should get checked out to put my mind at ease. Good idea, but I know my mind and once this is cleared up it might be onto he next thing - which i don't want. Torn between wanting to know what's going on and knowing this won't help my HA issues

30-09-14, 21:37
Went poos this morning and there was red blood in it. I'm panicking. I'm so afraid.

All the docs say not to worry if it's there on wiping but this was IN it and I'm freaking out so much.

30-09-14, 22:32
Hi puzzle sorry to hear your not doing so great have u been bk to docs to see what's going on?please do no visit docter google that's worse thing u can do I'm sure it's nothing sinister and can be resolved but u won't no untill u go xx

01-10-14, 00:08
In order for me to know for sure I will need to see a gastro. Which means I have to get a referral which means more waiting and panicking. That's if I even GET a referral...

01-10-14, 09:24
And I was doing so well. I'm confident that once I get an answer I can end this HA. I actually believe that I am strong enough to do so.

01-10-14, 23:12
Woke up this morning full of panic. So afraid. Mind won't stop jumping to worst case.

02-10-14, 00:05
Why don't you get a colonoscopy done?

02-10-14, 00:33
It's not so easy to get one done here. Have to be referred and then the gastro will decide if it's needed.

Do you think it's something bad?

02-10-14, 00:37
No I don't think it is anything bad and I keep saying that but it seems you won't believe anyone unless you do get it checked out.

If the doctor doesn't think you need a referral then I guess it means they aren't worried either.

02-10-14, 00:44
It's a tough one. It goes away and I am fine but then it comes back and argh! This time I will ask for a referral, I just want to know what's going on.

From memory you experienced something similar Nicola?

02-10-14, 01:18
Yes I get bleeding as well

Mine is either from piles or my diverticular but neither is serious

02-10-14, 01:25
And you had a colonoscopy?

02-10-14, 05:27
I just went and saw little red bits on stool.... I don't know if it's something I've eaten or what. I hate this

02-10-14, 09:49
I'm thinking back to when I saw doc other night when I had the two spells of bleeding in one day. She asked if it was IN stool and I said I didn't think so but I didn't know for sure. She wasn't worried at all.

But the next morning there was blood IN stool and what if that would make her worry? Like that's gonna be something that would change her whole thoughts on the matter.


02-10-14, 12:24
Several people on two forums are telling you the same thing. It's obviously not helping :( I hope you find some peace.

Positive thoughts

02-10-14, 12:28
If you eat tomatoes then you will see red bits (the skin)

Yes I had a colonoscopy because I have Crohn's disease so they keep an eye on things.

03-10-14, 00:57
I've made an appointment with doc for a referral. Hopefully she gives me one.

I've just been reading stories about young people who had same symptoms as me and had cancer :(

03-10-14, 07:50
I had my gastro consultation on Wednesday as I decided to go private. He examined my tummy and asked me loads of questions and even though I am getting a sigmoidoscopy next Friday, it's more for my own peace of mind. He said normally they would leave it for a couple of months at my age (26). Go to the appointment and put your mind at rest. My first symptom was blood (bright red but a fair bit) and that night I googled - silly! - and from them I've honestly felt every symptom listed as Bowel Cancer.... Coincidence? X

03-10-14, 13:30
Guess what happened to me 30 minutes ago?

Yup I go to the loo and there is blood so I think my piles must be playing up again!

03-10-14, 21:04
How much blood do you pass Nicola? X

03-10-14, 21:52
Today wasn't much but there have been times when it has literally been dripping out

03-10-14, 23:10
First. Blood in stool isn't "normal" unless you've been properly diagnosed with something.

Second. Blood in stool is all you need for a colonoscopy, any doctor that just assumes it's roids isn't a safe bet.

Third. If it is something sinister the sooner you treat it the better.

Until you are diagnosed propperly woth tests. DONT assume blood is normal. Ever.

03-10-14, 23:17
Blood in stool isn't normal, but fresh blood on wiping is quite common and if you have piles, and in the absence of other symptoms (eg. pain, sudden weight loss, change in bowel movements etc), is almost certainly no cause for concern.

That said, I went to my GP with all of the other symptoms, but blood tests came back normal so it was put down to piles, ibs and anxiety.

A colonoscopy eventually diagnosed Crohn's.

Ask for a simple faecal calprotectin stool sample test if you are worried.

04-10-14, 01:17
I don't assume it's normal. Not at all. I am trying to keep myself from panicking though, and support helps.

My mind is jumping worst case.

I've had fobt in March which was clear. I was satisfied with that as it didn't happen again for a while and I trusted my doc. Now it's happened a few times more I am not satisfied. I need to know what's happening.

04-10-14, 19:04
Blood in stool isn't "normal," but it's not necessarily something to immediately worry about. It could be caused by an irritation in your gut, a tear, piles, it doesn't necessarily indicate anything sinister at work.

Get yourself to the doctor to be on the safe side. My mam has this, and it's just piles. It's not fun, but it's nothing major. Best to put your mind at rest, though.

04-10-14, 20:17
I don't assume it's normal. Not at all. I am trying to keep myself from panicking though, and support helps.

My mind is jumping worst case.

I've had fobt in March which was clear. I was satisfied with that as it didn't happen again for a while and I trusted my doc. Now it's happened a few times more I am not satisfied. I need to know what's happening.

Here's my take on things - you had bleeding before but your FOBT was fine.
Almost certainly, the cause of blood is the same now as previously (assuming the symptoms are the same) - which means the FOBT will still be fine.

05-10-14, 01:23
I'm not satisfied with being offered another FOBT. I've seen blood, I know it's there a test to show this would be pointless. I need to know WHY it's happening and not get told it's "probably this or probably that"

05-10-14, 01:33
You need a colonoscopy then but be aware that it is not a nice procedure

05-10-14, 02:06
I will see what gastro suggests. He might suggest another of the "Oscopys", haha. Most medical procedures aren't nice, I'm aware and prepared for that.

05-10-14, 21:25
Okay, once again I have to wonder why it is that you people aren't given the short-term sedative that actually works to make you unconscious throughout the procedure?? Not exactly an anaesthetic, but it knocks most people out for the time it takes to do it (not very long). Not only is there no conscious perception of pain, there is no memory of the procedure, and it must be very safe, since it is routinely used over here! I've had two colonoscopies easy-peasy :D And also a gastroscopy, same thing! The one thing is that you have to have someone you know drive you home, they have to come into the hospital and sign before you can leave.

I'm not going to lie, you will want to go straight home afterwards and probably take an otc painkiller for moderate cramping and rest for the remainder of the day with plenty of water! Treat yourself to your favourite things to eat, and a movie on the sofa. Some company who will help you out for the day would be just perfect! :winks:


05-10-14, 21:36
Have you been given any cream to try? You could try that and see if the bleeding stops anusol or germoids.

Then if it still carries on you could insist on a referral for your piece of mind more than anything :)x

06-10-14, 01:25
I saw my GP this morning and mentioned the bleeding and asked for a referral to a gastro.

She said she was happy to do refer me but to be prepared that the gastro may not think my symptoms warrant a colonoscopy. Public health systems resources are limited and they may not take me on. The GP had to justify the referral, ie positive FOBT and concerning bloods. I have to do another FOBT and had bloods taken today.

At this stage I want to see a gastro to see what they suggest. If they have a look using another scope and find obv cause ie hemms.

If I want a colonoscopy I may have to go private.

06-10-14, 18:18
Why not try the Sigmoidoscopy? A lot less invasive as a colonoscopy and if there are tears/piles they will be able to tell you there and then? X

06-10-14, 21:43
I would be happy with a sigmoidoscopy!

07-10-14, 05:09
Oh a private colonoscopy would cost me between 2-4 thousand. Guess who won't be getting one? :(

07-10-14, 12:50
I would be happy with a sigmoidoscopy!

I would be happy with my doctor's word that I was Ok and in fact I do. Mind you, I do get scoped every three months but I had cancer. But no CT scan or MRI or PET scan. Just a scope poke and prod. They feel that if the cancer returns, either in my head and neck or elsewhere in my body, it will be very noticeable to me.

Oh a private colonoscopy would cost me between 2-4 thousand. Guess who won't be getting one? :(

Why not take some of the $$$ you're spending on doctors and use it for help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts