View Full Version : Neck ache for days

30-09-14, 17:39
I've had a neck ache for a few days now and it is starting to worry me a little. It feels as though it is straining all the time. The main goes from where your neck meets your skull, to a little bit under your shoulders. I slouch A LOT and my bed is really uncomfortable (or rather mattress), but this is the first time I have felt this.
I typed into google 'Neck ache' and in the suggested searches before you press enter came up 'Neck ache brain tumour' and as I already have a brain tumour fear I am wondering if these could be related. My neck just constantly aches kind of feels like I need to look up and stretch my neck out a bit. It hurts a little in bed but gets worse through the day so I am hoping this makes it less likely to be a brain tumour. However I feel so tired lately and had a 30 minute nap earlier and awoke with a headache :weep:
I also feel sickly quite often although I have done for over a year now so hoping it's not related.

30-09-14, 19:12
I've had neck ache since I started worrying and dr Googleing a couple of months ago. It's been pretty consistent for the past month. Most of it I spent more worried and tearful over the idea it's either not going to go or is something more sinister than anxiety but a few gps, a psychologist and a psychiatrist have said that anxiety can cause it. Hopefully it helps to put you at ease somewhat. I have rotten posture too that's only gotten worse as I've been trying to counter the current ache. :hugs:

30-09-14, 19:30
Thank you so much for replying. It's a nightmare!
I actually have a bit of a hunch with all the slouching I've did over the years so maybe it's starting to catch up with me.
I have had depression for almost 7 years and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, but I never got physical symptoms (other than tiredness - if that's even physical). Anxiety is absolutely horrendous, it's hard to get decent treatment too without waiting for months beforehand. It's ruining my life.
I feel sick, tired, overwhelmed, angry, achey and am getting headaches which I have never previously had! I'm sick sick sick.

30-09-14, 20:48
I, hand on heart, completely identify. I've had depression and social anxiety for years but it's never come with physical symptoms (at least that Ive been aware!) You think it can't get any worse which I have a feeling is why we worry ourselves sick because it doesn't feel like it can then it does. Good thing is, if it's our mind, we can throw reins on it with help and fighting. Xx

30-09-14, 21:33
Thanks for your response
I agree, also whilst it's still horrendous if it truly is anxiety at least there will be a light at the end of the tunnel and things will not be this way forever.
I have read many forums where people say the route of the anxiety needs to be dealt with but all that started mine was a few nights of panic attacks and I've been like this ever since. How can I overcome something that.had no cause :-(
Thanks again for taking the time to reply ;-)