View Full Version : You are what you eat

30-09-14, 18:58
Well... after my previous positing on the subject, I'm back to tell you about a recent experience I had.

Even though I've been on a gluten free diet for over 3 years now, I recently started to feel slightly unwell again, not to the point of panic/anxiety, but I just knew things weren't right. So I looked at my food again. What had I been eating.

Along with coeliac disease, certain people can become lactose intolerant with it. I noticed that I would have stomach problems if I ate too much ice-cream, but I'd not had ice-cream lately.

The only thing I could track it down to was Anchor Spreadable, butter with additives. So I went without dairy stuff for a day and started back on proper butter.

Lo and behold, I'm back to normal, feeling great and confident and totally relaxed.

Keep telling everyone to look at their diet.

Over to you...

30-09-14, 20:00
Funny that, how we can manage butter and a bit of cream, but not cheese in any large amount nor ice cream? But like you, IF I am usually strict about the gluten and the dairy, then I have found that I can get away with a rare bakery roll and my cream in a hot drink. Maybe the additives in the other dairy is a contributing factor too?

Through an elimination diet (one month on elimination of gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, alcohol and caffeine (ugh!), followed by slow reintroduction of each food, I learned that soy was the biggest culprit and cause of my gastric troubles, then dairy, then gluten. But again, I think this last had a lot to do with the other additives in the processed foods in which gluten is usually found. In any case, I am much better off without it all! ... I need to be more diligent about sugar again, as it is pretty much an addiction here. And of course caffeine. :weep:

01-10-14, 03:07
I've read that probiotics supplementation can help with lactose intolerance. I know that lactose intolerant people can drink milk kefir because the grains eat the lactose but I don't know how it works in the gut with lactose ingestion.

I don't believe gluten affects me but I have noticed my basic supplementation with probiotic products is helping my digestion.

I really think there is something in probiotics given the gut-to-brain link so I plan to start making water kefir next to see how that helps me.