View Full Version : I think I'm suffering from health anxiety

30-09-14, 21:47
I'm an 18 year old female and was born with an underactive thyriod (controlled by medication).

For the past 3-4 months I've been feeling panic upon panic over little things.
It started of with during the sunny weather and I had a pink/light brown freckle on my arm different to the rest, thought it was skin cancer, turns out to be a normal freckle. Then moved on the arthritis as my knuckles go white when I bend them and I cracked them now and then, no pain and forgot all about it. Moved on to muscle twitching in one thumb, only happens when I bend then straighten my thumb-constantly on my phone and use it to scroll-common! Thought it was MS or MND. Freaked myself out for weeks!! Then I get a funny feeling down my arm-think its a heart attack -feels really sparky and tingly-sleep on that arm at night and hurt my funny bone! Then went on to diabetes-wake up shaky, my insides vibrating and feel sick(only happened 2/3 times) BUT I'm guessing this is due to my thoughts before I sleep-always about my health and constant worry and the first thing I do when I wake up? Think about my health!!! This weeks worry was a mark on my tongue, dark pink/normal tongue coloured patch! Thought it was oral cancer, after rinsing my mouth with salty water it faded so I'm guessing it's an irritation of my teeth or braces! And now after feeling my chest, I have pain in the bones in the middle of my chest and at the side with a burny feeling (heart burn maybe?) or because I kept touching it to see if it still hurts (it only hurts if I press it). Sometimes get a pain on my left boob, lasts like 2 seconds! A few weeks ago I felt my heat skip a beat and felt hot feeling then back to normal but apparently it's due to my thyriod.

These thoughts go through my mind daily and when I have too much time on my hands!

My symptoms of anxiety may be- chest pain(just slightly And nothing that requires a pain killer or anything), flushed, shaky (only when I think about it), twitchy thumb, dry skin/scabs on either side of my mouth, tense up and get butterflies and general worry.

Any replys or advice will be really appreciated and I know I should go to a GP but right now at this time i can't so the only advice I can get is from people who experiance the same feelings and know how the feeling is.

Many thanks for reading this!!

30-09-14, 23:09
You certainly sound like you are suffering from health anxiety and a degree of general anxiety too.
The most important thing is that you recognise that it IS health anxiety - that's a fantastic start.

If you don't feel able to talk to your GP about it, Self Help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes is a life-saver book that is brilliant at explaining what anxiety is and why the physical symptoms happen and how to overcome it - you will feel better after the first chapter! It really did save my sanity.

---------- Post added at 23:09 ---------- Previous post was at 23:08 ----------

Forgot to say - I believe thyroid problems can cause anxiety.