View Full Version : Help! Im coughing so much!

30-09-14, 22:36
I had a cold and it didn't go away i was just atvthe dr today and he put me on antibiotics. I've been coughing so much and I just had a fit and I almost couldn't breath. Im so scared. I seem better now but it feels like ike an itch in my throat I can't scratch. Im also coughing up a lot, anyone have words of encourgaement or advice to get me through this?

30-09-14, 22:38
If u only got the antibiotics today I doubt they wud work straight away give them few days I'm sure ull start to feel better x

30-09-14, 22:41
It was just very scary. My throat is so sore from coughing so hard. Felt like I was choking on my own phlem

01-10-14, 03:31
Antibiotics tend to take a few days to kick in because they first halt the infection and then work on reducing what is left behind. You will probably notice it rapidly reduce in a few days.

If you are coughing up stuff and its not clear e.g. green or yellow, then its an infection and the antibiotics will sort it. If it still hasn't completely gone once you finish them, go back as sometimes you need a second course.

You will be ok misslove, as an asthma sufferer I've had loads of chest infections since childhood. Its just that it feeds the anxiety because you are feeling sensations that can be similar and worry about not breathing. You can't stop yourself breathing, your subconscious will always take over even if you try as your lungs will demand you breathe.

Gargling with salt water can help with rubbish in the throat.

01-10-14, 03:48
Thanks. This all start with a cold that my family had and got over. For me it turned into ansinus infection and ran into my chest, scares me that they all got over it so easily and I needed medicine to fix it :huh:

01-10-14, 03:51
Thats just how it goes sometimes.

Its like in my house where one person brings a cold in and everyone in the house gets it except one person. Its just how it turns out sometimes.

They didn't develop an infection so got over it quickly as you probably have also done in the past and will do in the future. Infections just need a bit of a kick with antibiotics but in a few days you will be feeling much better.

01-10-14, 04:06
Thanks. I hope so too! Being able to lay flat to sleep would be a blessing!