View Full Version : Anxiety about MS

01-10-14, 14:20
I have a big fear, which seems to be shared across a lot of HA sufferers, and it's of MS.

It was only a couple of weeks ago that MS even drifted into my mind. Earlier on in the year, I had bad eye strain problems but they always happened at night, and would clear up on waking. I assumed they were from using the computer too long, and being up too late. Anyway, two weeks ago, I had my eyes tested and she did the light thing to check the backs of my eyes and they were healthy with no significant changes to my sight overall.

So when I went to the doctor with numb hands, and she asked if I'd had vision problems, I said no, because according to my optician, my eyes are fine. I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and sent on my way. After the doctor declared that anything like MS was unlikely (because I was suffering with the numbness in both sides).

So, I was fine up until the next day when my extremities started to go really cold. I must mention that by this point I already thought my CTS was caused by diabetes or something like that. I also quit caffeine the night before.

With cold hands, feet and legs, and possible CTS, I was starting to get a little anxious. Throughout the next week, I would visit my doctor no less than 3 times, and she didn't do a physical exam once, but she did tell me in no uncertain terms that I do not have MS, what I have is severe anxiety.

I've been dealing with insomnia (I can only sleep because of sleeping pills) numb hands and feet, muscle aches and cramps, nausea, loss of appetite for both eating and life, muscle twitches, a constant pressure headache that feels like a band has been stretched around my entire head and face.

I'm due back in to the doctor tomorrow, and I still can't believe all of this is anxiety. She won't refer me to a specialist because she doesn't believe there's anything wrong with me, other than anxiety. I accepted it and some of the symptoms seemed to ease off (aside from the headache and the worry) a little until I read something about other people being diagnosed with anxiety and having MS.

I'm so scared right now. I don't know if I should get a second opinion, or if I should learn to trust her.

01-10-14, 14:34
You're describing diffuse symptoms, i.e. symptoms all over the body. MS is simply incapable of producing these.

Muscle twitches simply aren't a presenting symptom of MS. They can occur at a very late stage of the disease and in such circumstances are localised and constant, like all MS symptoms. They are, however, the defining symptom of BFS, which is totally benign, common, and is thought to occur secondary to prolonged stress or anxiety (or sometimes a virus). This would also explain all of your other symptoms.

Take it from me. I had months of being convinced I had MS (after it was briefly mentioned to me by an incompetent locum GP), and I had all the symptoms you describe and many, many more. It was only this week when I got my test results back that my EMG showed BFS that I've finally managed to accept it.

You should understand that there are only a handful of neurological symptoms but hundreds of neurological diseases: it's the presentation of these symptoms not the list of symptoms that matters. Your presentation is simply incompatible with MS hence your doctor has told you it's anxiety. Please don't go through the months or years of hell worrying about a disease you simply don't have. ;)

01-10-14, 17:59
Wow I am in the same boat with you except I have all over twitching ~ I am truly trying to tamper it down. These damn all over twitches are driving me insane, they wake me up at night and I am so focused on them its nuts. I don't feel them when active, only when sitting at my desk or laying down at night.

I see the neurologist next Tuesday, looking forward to that, I hope to find some answers, even with a BFS diagnosis, I am ok with it, just as long as that is it :)

MS, ALS etc... they all seem to be triggers huh? You know Cancer used to be my big thing for health anxiety, it wasn't until a month ago when these twitches started that I hit rock bottom with the other diseases.

01-10-14, 23:06
Just wanted to let you guys know, hopefully to reassure you, that I had the all over twitching for months. Mainly in my eyes but also lips, chin, arms, back, legs etc!!
I was low on iron and the iron tablets seemed to help but I do think on the whole it was anxiety.
I still get the occasional eye twitch when my eyes are dry or tired, but not much else. After a relatively good, anxiety free spell I have moved on to a different health anxiety and now have diff symptoms!!

Good luck, I hope they clear up for you soon xx