View Full Version : Really bad health anxiety, quite worried

01-10-14, 18:57
i dont even know where to start. it all began with opening my mouth in the bathroom mirror when brushing my teeth, i saw a couple bumps in the back of my throat and flipped out and now out of nowhere i have developed extreme health anxiety for the past month ive been scared of lymphoma, the month before that it was a brain tumor, and now its leukemia, ive been coming to this site in these past months to see if other people have my issues, and it only gets worse every new symptom i read i have when i supposedly had a brain tumor i had headaches trouble walking and when i was scared of lymphoma i had swollen lymph nodes (which i still have) headaches, and abdominal pain, and now im scared of this new disease its just a new one every month. :( when i first found a lump i pretty much fainted good thing there was a couch behind me, but my symptoms are swollen lymph nodes, joint pain in elbows and arms, the thing about this is it scares me because its a leading symptom but also have bad posture so i dont know i its from cancer i get pain in my back shoulders wrists upper arms i have pain in my armpits and ribs and i can never tell if its terminal or not its tearing me apart which probably makes it worse im always depressed and i occasionally break down and the depression probably increases the symptoms which makes me think they are more believable, I dont know i just one a another opinion this is killing me and it has my mother scared since im up at 4 am texting her im going to die, its horrible but i cant help it and i have a doctors appointment on the 8th of October im just tired of this i also orgot to mention i have acid reflux whixh gets bad and that makes me think back to lymphoma or leukemia. i also find bruises and i dont know where they come from they are usually small and seam to disappear but i get them on my knees and elbows id just like a little insight to get me through the week before i go to the doctor's.

01-10-14, 19:43

While I am no doctor, I am a long time sufferer of HA. Like most of the folks on this site, I have gone through the cycle of fear and hopping from one disease to another that you are currently in. All of the symptoms you are describing sound like they can be explained by non-lethal issues such as posture, anxiety, lack of sleep, over analysis of your body and depression. The things you are feeling are real and are symptoms but most likely the disorder you have is anxiety not the things you fear. Go see your doctor, tell her everything and I mean everything you are fearing. I know you will parse every word she says, so don't be afraid to ask follow up questions. For me, xanax is a real help when I am in the spiral you are in. Also, I keep a symptom diary every time I get a symptom I write it down in incredible detail. Over time, I have found that when I am freaking out I can go back to my journal and see that I had the same fears at some point in the past and since nothing came of it, that helps me relax. In the short term, you can call and see if you can get your appt moved up and try to relax. For me, I watch a funny video, go for a run, do something silly like kareoke or just go for a drive and sing at the top of my lungs in the car. Anyway, good luck and take care. It will get better.

09-10-14, 08:37
Thank you very much, I just went to the doctors today and he has referred me to doing blood work I still am worried but I'm able to keep it cool in public now and what not, if I do have something im hoping it will show up in the blood test.