View Full Version : HIV Anxiety - I'm not okay?

02-10-14, 02:46
Hi everybody..I wish somebody can help to overcome the HIV anxiety.. I got a exposure on may this year and got alot tests along 3 weeks to 4 month all came out negative..there no symptom came out before 3 months window period but suddenly on 3.5 month i got small lymph node appear on my neck and i cause panic then i now feel that I got HIV for this..But 2 weeks after that i take combo test and still came out negative..All the GPs and Specialist rule out my lymph node swollen because it too small and not significant to say it swollen also few doctor even feel it..I been told alot that I dont have HIV but i still worried because some say that window period is 6 month after exposure..I hope somebody can help me to oveecome the anxiety and say to my face that i'm okay..

02-10-14, 12:29
hi there,I'm going through the same anxiety,so I know how you feel.I have had my test at four weeks and one at 12 weeks and they both came back negative,deep down I know I'm hiv negative but keep having this constant worry I am.I have just joined this site and got some great help from people on here,the age old saying is believe in your test results,which when I start to worry I always go back to and that is the same thing you need to start doing my friend.Here in the UK its 3 months,trust me I have read numerous things on the internet,the Avert site is great have a look at that and that will help you alot.I was even coming up with scenarios that they gave me wrong test results etc,I even thought I had symptoms of HIV but that was just down to awfull stress I was putting myself through because after all my results which where taken at the correct time frames like your self came back negative,you are hiv negative but like myself you just have to start accepting that,for me it gets a bit easier each day.

03-10-14, 00:34
Thank you stu..I know 3 month should be enough to said that the test was conclusive..The anxiety came when i got lymph node after the window period..it make me nut and I already accept the result before but after the symptom came it trigger the anxiety..But all the doctors and physician evaluate the node and agreed it too small to be worried and not significant. But i not accept what they said..now i searching for other node all over my body and some area get pain (my partner it cause by constantly poking the area which i m not aware but she seem to see what i m doing all the time!!).

03-10-14, 07:04
I was the same,I kept feeling under my ear for a lymph node,and I prodded and felt that much made an area under my ear sore,which I think you have been doing the same,a doctor or doctors have examined you and said its nothing or cannot feel nothing so take there advice,they spent years at medical school and we didn't so they know what they are talking about,