View Full Version : Sounds stuck in head? (tormenting)

02-10-14, 14:08
Hey all,

I've had songs stuck in my head constantly for around a month, and I've pretty much learned to live with it, but I was at the movies yesterday and I suddenly thought of a clicking/trigger-type gun sound. Then I found I couldn't get rid of it and started freaking out. Since then I've had an array of annoying, loud sounds stuck in my head that are quite vivid. They always feel like they're in my right ear for some reason. A lot of things now tend to repeat in my head after I've heard them. Am I alone or does anybody else get this? It's quite worrying and highly tormenting.

02-10-14, 15:42
Hi Jiff.You are not alone.i get this all the time.i get a tune in my head and it plays over and over.like a croped part of it over and over.that will go and ill hear something on the tv and then bang thats it again playing in my head and cant get it out of my head.iv had this for months now..i hate it

04-10-14, 13:03
I've been getting that with sounds! I'll clear my throat then the sound I make will repeat in my head. Horrid stuff. I feel like the music in my head has become a compulsion to keep stuff like that out.

At least we're not alone!

04-10-14, 22:27
Hi Jiff,

I had this for a while. I had been in hospital for two weeks and lost 3 stone in weight. I was absolutely exhausted.

The reason you get these strange noises and anxiety in general is because of fatigue.

Best things to do it let your energy come back. So you have to stop stressing out about this happening.

Try to let it happen and dont add to it. Take deep breaths let go of the tight hold you have on yourself breath out slowly and sag your shoulders, arms and tummy muscles.

It will pass trust me! But you must be wiling to let yourself experience it in a calm accepting way!

