View Full Version : Women Please Read!! about BC pills and anxiety

30-12-06, 04:16
Hi everyone!

So, my story is long and complicated, but basically my anxiety was initially brought on by my Birth Control Pills (which I am now completely off). That is what all of the Dr.'s I've been to agree set it off. The hormones can really affect some people. Anyhow, I've heard there are a lot of women out there that have experienced depression and/or anxiety from their BC pills and wanted to see if there were any on this site in particular. I'd be interested to see about this because I am studying to be a Physician Assistant(struggling very hard with the stresses and anxieties of school), and think it would be an interesting topic to look into.

Thank you!!!

30-12-06, 08:54

I think thats how mine got set off again. 5 yrs ago i was on the pill and my anxiety was very high.... but i didn't really put it down to the pill. Since being off them (for now 4 1/2 yrs) i never really suffered any major panic/anxiety.

Then 4 months ago....... i started the pill again, I only took a months worth.....then BANG! it hit me again,
I came off them straight away....but my anxiety has not gone. i'm at my worst now every due date. my anxiety hits the roof at this time. and usually the rest of the month i'm some what calm.

I mentioned this to my doctor...... and he didn't have none of it. which upset me.....its the only think cant think of thats set it off. (which kinda reasured me) and now he sayin it couldn't possibly be? But i don't like him anyway. i do think its was the pill

30-12-06, 10:02
It doesnt have to be just the pill that causes it,
ealier this year, I paid for a saliva test to see if I had a hormonal problem, I was shocked when it came back saying I was producing no progesterone.
So then I started taking a progesterone cream that I rub on my body, twice a day in the second half of my cycle.....
well , my panic attacks went from 98% to 15% .....
my painful breasts went completly, my irrigular period returned to normality and became light (instead of heavy).

Its funny cos the past 2 months I stopped using the cream, as its expensive and this month all the horrible symptoms have come back!

So Ive started using the cream again, its the best thing Ive ever ever done.
If you do a google search for dr lee and progesterone deficiancy, you should find good reading about it.


30-12-06, 13:47
Me too i basically went off the deep end after going on the pill about 18 months ago and am still not right yet!!!

30-12-06, 14:06
I had problems with the Depo injection...I'm sure it didn't help my problems...I came off of it and felt a lot better...not completely but much much better. I don't know if it was all in my head though but after reading stuff on the internet found it is a common problem.


30-12-06, 14:53
Hi. When I was on the pill I noticed over a long period of time that I had become tired and depressed. I stopped taking the pill and it was like someone switched a light on! The depression lifted and I felt much more like my old self. I have always suffered from anxiety and I don't think the pill affected that at all, but it definately made me feel depressed. It probably affects women in different ways. Don't forget there are different kinds of BC pills these days so your Doctor can try different ones to find one that suits you.

31-12-06, 18:28
Hi Lauren

I cant believe what I am reading!!!


Ive taken 3 lots of Clomid and since the second lot, Ive had chronic anxiety and panic attacks. My Doc says that they are not related, just coincidental. What do you think?

Happy New Year!!

Lizzie xx

01-01-07, 05:53

My anxiety first started during the second or third month of my birth control pills. In my case I do not think it was a coincidence. On birth control anxiety and depression are listed as possible side effect. Doctors are fast to write this off, and although I didn't write this in my first post, the Dr (gyn) that prescribed the pills basically told me it wasn't the pill and blah blah blah. But every Dr. Ive talked to since and told everything to agrees that the hormones had a lot to do with it! I mean think about it I went 19 years of my life panic attack free, and then boom Im on BC and I have bad panic attacks and anxiety...Coincidence? I think not. The psychiatrist said that sometimes you can be genetically prone to these things (anxiety etc) and then the hormones are what "set the bomb off" I agree with him. I would talk to your Dr., if you are comfortable getting off them and trying some other method of Birth Control then do so...I'm sick of Dr.'s making it sound like Birth Control is so harmless, and prescribing it like its nothing reaping the benefits of the drug companies.

01-01-07, 13:47
This thread has really got me thinking! Iv always been a fairly anxious person but things got a lot worse about 2 years ago when i started on the depo injection, mum has been telling me to come off it as it can contribute to anxiety & depression but i didnt believe her until i read it myself. Came off it about 3 months ago so hopefully things will improve once its out of my system!
Suzy xx

02-01-07, 15:41
Hi my names Lauradee I can totally relate to this. I have suffered with depression for years and panic attacks. I noticed that the attacks seemed to be worse just before my period. When I discussed this with my doctor he informed that the BC pill aggravated depression. I wish I knew this earlier! I am now looking into a different BC option, but do worry about changing. Have one son do not want another not for now anyway!


02-01-07, 20:33
I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had the opposite effect, where going on the pill or HRT actually improved their mental health situation. It's clear that hormones have a part to play in our moods (PMT etc), so I was wondering if the regulating effect of homone therapy or the pill might actually help those whose natural hormone balance is a bit haywire, especially in those who are menopausal or peri-menopausal.

Eeb x

03-01-07, 05:23
hi girls
to be honest, i wondered if they were connected. Doctor told me they werent. its funny cause i also started to be more anxious since i started taking BC pills. now i'm scared!!! if you found out something more about this, pls post it!

thanks for the info!


03-01-07, 11:41
Hello everyone

Just came back from the docs where I discussed my BC options and the possibility that my attacks are connected. After a long discussion the doctor who isnt my regular doc changed my pill to femodene from minulet. This is a combined pill however I was more swayed in to trying the progesterone only pill. At the end she said she didnt believe there was a connection between my BC pill and my attacks! I have agreed to try this new pill for 3 months to see if there is any change. But I am sure there is a hormonal problem somewhere which aggravates my attacks. I am going to go back to my regular doctor anyway to see about having some therapy anyway. Also the stop smoking clinic!!!!! AAARGH!


03-01-07, 13:23
I do think you have to find one that suits you - I went through a couple (one of them making me feel really low and anxious) to finally get one that was ok for me. I think in alot of ways it has helped me because now my periods are regular and not so heavy and my pmt isn't nearly so bad.

Also I was getting anaemic before I went back on the pill and that in itself made me feel well rough physically, which then made me feel rough mentally too.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

05-01-07, 10:56
Hi all
I am new here and i have always had gut instinct that my anxiety is hormonal related as when i have been pregnant it has always eased off, then as soon as i am back on the pill, the panic attacks come back with vengeance!
Anyway my GP also said theres no way its linked and would not test my hormone level for me.
I read on thsi post that someone has had a home test done. Could you please tell me where i could get one as i am up for trying anything!!
Thanks Nikki x

13-01-07, 15:34
Thank you all for posting!! I hope someday to bring the attention this issue deserves. I don't like the fact that Dr.'s prescribe BC like it's nothing. These are hormones going into our system it needs to be looked at much more carefully.


13-01-07, 20:49
period trouble [ladies please] (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2961)
one for the females (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3572)
ok - here's a REALLY strange question !!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4010)
girls only (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4554)
PMT PANIC (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4881)
PMT, tiredness, and feeling of unreality (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6670)
Bleuuuuuurgh -for the girls on here! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7372)
time of the month (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7421)



proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

13-01-07, 22:55
personally i think its down to the type you take - my anxiety rocketed whilst on the pill - severe mood swings also.

I am now on the mini - pill (Cerazette) and its fantastic - no more mood swings, no increased anxiety symptoms at my periods either

........life is for living not just for surviving