View Full Version : Body twitches

02-10-14, 17:55
Hi all:

So, my triggers used to always be anything cancer related... but it seems to have shifted to Nuerological. Most recently ALS or MS because of all over body twitches. I hurt my back on 8/31 and began on a steroid pack. 2 days later, I developed severe muscle spasms and twitching in the effected leg. a few days later, I started noticing twitching all over. I was so stressed and worried that this would end my fitness career or that surgery may be needed. I am still in pain and surgery hasn't been ruled out but we are trying to give my body time to heal.

Anyway, so I am freaking myself out about the body twitches. They are short, quick twitches, in my calf, 1 second, then stops. Ankle, 1 second then stops, tricep etc... sometimes my eye lid a bit as well. All over and freaking me out. Today I dropped my phone because someone took me by surprise and I am starting to convince myself that is a sign of weakness.

I am going to see a neurologist Tuesday. I can't just wait it out and see, I am freaking out and so miserable.

Anyone else every have these all over twitches that last for quite sometime? Seems my blood work came back ok from a few months ago but not sure if I am deficient now.

:( Hate this. :weep:

02-10-14, 18:00
Hi ive had twitches for nearly a year i can see them and feel them toes and fingers are the worst. Ive lived with it not asked a dr not had a blood test because im too scared . My father died of parkinsons and im terrified thats what i have. I feel stiff when i get up out of bed. ...try magnesium i have and cut down caffine i did. it might help. I know i need to see someone but im too scared.

02-10-14, 18:06
Its horrible isn't it? Its soooo scary as to what it can be. I don't want to go to the doc either because I am so scared of a positive result. Then what? Omg I am sick to my stomach over this.

02-10-14, 18:23
As I said in your other thread, the only thing that gives you twitches all over is BFS secondary to anxiety. MS can't. ALS can't.

02-10-14, 18:43
Really? I didn't know that MS and ALS can't give you all over body twitches, I must have misunderstood? Are the twitches associated with either of those diseases targeted to only particular limbs? The majority of mine are in my legs but I also get them in my abs, arms etc at times.

02-10-14, 19:37
Twitches in ALS come after objective weakness. They're always localised, ALS attacks one limb at at time. The story with ALS is one day you can pick up a kettle with your right hand, the next day you can't and you never can again. The twitches are the neurones that control that muscle dying. Then eventually you can't move that arm at all. Ever again. Then it'll move to another limb, same process, then another, until five years later you're totally disabled and your body can't function any more. ALS is a brutal, cruel disease and it would be obvious to your doctor something very serious is wrong.

Many neurologists say these sort of muscle twitches are not a feature of MS. At all. Others say they can happen, but like all MS symptoms are localised, and tend to happen in the very late stages of the disease. If you look on MS forums you'll find one or two people who report them, but MS patients are just as likely to suffer stress and anxiety as the rest of us (in fact more so as they have such a life-changing condition), and that is the cause of these twitches in such individuals. Similarly people with MS might get a headache, tonsillitis, a stubbed toe, or whatever else: in that respect they're no different to you and me.

These all over twitches are a very characteristic feature of anxiety. It's a terrible and very common cycle. You get these twitches due to stress or anxiety (or occasionally after a virus), you look them up on the internet, and horrid neurological illnesses come up. You get more stressed and anxious, they get worse. Then the paresthesia starts, you look that up and along comes the MS fear. You become convinced you have that, get more stressed, and they get even worse. And so it goes on.

Please understand, MS lesions affect a part of the brain or spinal cord which controls a specific body part. The lesion doesn't come and go so neither does the symptom. Symptoms that come and go and move around the body are not at all consistent with MS.

I've been through this hell, I've wasted nearly a year of my life and probably taken years off my life due to the stress. It was only finally when I had an EMG and the BFS thankfully showed up that I was able to accept it. Please, do not do the same.

02-10-14, 19:48
Hello Dolphin8808.

I suffered with my first batch of muscle twitches in march of this year.
It was so frightening, I thought I was having a convulsion. It started in my thighs and worked itself all over my body and I was totally freaking out.
Then, after being diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder and accepting the diagnosis, I started to ignore them. Whatever I was doing, I would just brush them aside and carry on doing what ever I was doing at the time. They gradually got less and less and now I just have an occasional twinge here and there. They don't worry anymore, I know why I had them and they can not cause you any harm.
When they come, tell them to go away and tell them they are not wanted!!!! :)

Pepsi, my Father also died from Parkinson's Disease and I sort of worry about it too, but my GP has said that it doesn't mean that I will get it and it has not been proved to be hereditary. I think we both have a pretty good idea of the signs as we have experienced watching someone go through this and the signs we have definitely point to Anxiety Disorder. :)

02-10-14, 20:57
Thank you Serenity for always being so supportive and the great information! Caranation, thank you as well for sharing your story with me. Its so scary when it happens, and logical thoughts no longer exists once you google.

Amazing how this works... Going to try to distract myself, tired of waking up and night wondering if I am twitching and waiting for it to happen.

03-10-14, 00:12
This should give you every answer you need.


BFS is a recognised, diagnosable condition with unique results on an EMG. It's caused by stress or anxiety in almost all circumstances (and by a virus in others), and is thought to be the result of either an overload of the nervous system or some sort of poisoning effect from stress hormones.

The biggest and most active forum is the aboutbfs one. However it has two problems. First, it's full of hypochondriacs convinced they have ALS, and unfortunately posts don't get answered as the answer to all hundred-odd thousand threads on this topic is exactly the same answer and explanation. Secondly unfortunately the forum is owned and run by a guy who isn't medically trained and simply will not accept that his issues are caused by "anxiety", instead seemingly he devotes his time to in the face of all evidence find some sort of medical cause. He accepts it's totally "benign", but unfortunately thinks he knows better than neurologists and research scientists. If my recollection serves me correctly he works in IT. As a result the FAQ section of the site and most of the sticky threads in the various sections of the forum are simply inaccurate.

I like the BFS Recovery website (linked to above). They have a qualified neurologist on board to answer questions about BFS, and they give the best advice possible: deal with your anxiety and bye bye BFS.

03-10-14, 13:44
Wow, I like that site, bfsrecovery, going to look through it now. THank you :) and I am so sorry for all that you have also dealt with, sounds like you truly had a rough time until you were able to find answers as well.

06-10-14, 18:10
Thank you so much Serenity for the BFSrecovery details. This site is so much more reassuring than others. I've been twitching for three months and my anxiety is through the roof

06-10-14, 19:37
Peppa, did you have something trigger yours as well or they just started out of the blue? Damn anxiety can seriously mess with your head :(

06-10-14, 20:53
You too ...youre not alone. And i found it helpful that others suffer the same types of symptoms .

06-10-14, 21:03
Hi Dolphin

I know exactly how you feel my friend...

Check out my first ever thread "involuntary movements"


07-10-14, 13:59
Wow!!! You have been there! Have your twitches calmed down for you?