View Full Version : not sure if panic attack or not?

03-10-14, 00:27
Hey guys,
Last night was horrible. Our neighbours at uni were drunk/high and saying they were going to beat us up and were flashing and jumped the wall and onto the metal roof part and knocked on flat 4's window to let them in. Then there was an argument and security and police are involved.

Anyway, I got really bad. I started getting breathless and shaking. So I thought yeah get this all the time. But then I started to get tingling sensations in my hands and feet, my vision went really funny, I felt sick, I had back pain when I breathed in/out, my chest went tight and I felt faint. Then I felt like I had to lie down so I lay down then all I remember was waking up and not knowing where I was or what was happening. I don't know if I fell asleep or blacked out or what. I'm just really scared now. I don't want that to happen again.

I have now been shuck up and anxious now about everything. It has thrown me and made me think of how bad I really am. I am so annoyed at myself. I hate myself and I hate this stupid illness. I just want to be better and be the old me. I hate all this and I know you all do too but it is affecting my academic work and it isn't fair. :(

Sorry for going on just petrified right now at what could happen. :(